Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Brock and Jill and Greyson - Round Two - Day 1 - Arboretum and Klyde Warren

 Spring has arrived in Dallas and so has my niece, Jill, and her family.  I am off to pick her up this morning for a bit of a walkabout.  Dallas Blooms is in its third week and I still haven't been.  It's time.  With quick hugs and looks to hurry from the hotel staff, we start making our way there.  Oh goodness --- the parking lot is pretty full and we have a bit of a walk, but it will be worth it.  I promise.  First stop is the gift shop as Greyson needs a hat.  Done and away we go.

Into the garden and AHHHHH -

It is Tiny Tot Tuesday so they have a petting zoo --- off we go with Greyson.

From the time we arrive - he has perma-grin AND he is a blur of movement.  Taking pictures is quite the challenge.

Loves the goats.

He's just not as sure about the sheep.

However, the bunny wins hands down - from this angle, you can still tell he is smiling.

Off to the Children's Garden we go --- it's a bit of a walk again.  A gorgeous one, though.

And away he goes - so much fun here.

Water fun.  Smile never leaves.

Jill and Greyson --- having a lie down.

Oooooh - he sees the water fun below and is off.

THESE smell diving and Greyson joins in on the delight.

A wall of water (ya gotta look close) ---- love this feature.

One more stop at the tot area -

And then back into the garden for our return trip to the car.  Through the grotto - 

Every water feature is a hit --- young man after my heart.

Time with Mom.

It's lunch time and I've messaged Mister that we won't make it to the house.  His text is just "Oh."  Drat.  I know he's disappointed.  Off to the house we go for PB&J's, I guess.  It's all good -- some cool off before we take them back downtown.  They have a company event this evening to attend and I need to get them back in time.

Greyson fell asleep on the way downtown and woke up in the parking garage under the DMA.  He asked where he was and we told him underground.  He looked around and then asked, "Is this where cars go to sleep."  LOVE kids perspectives.  He's probably not wrong.  Klyde Warren is the next stop for fun.  Playground first.

Greyson in the big city.

At this point we told him he could play in the water --- no fear.  He is OFF.  He sees it down in the distance.

Before arriving at the fountain he saw, he finds another to check out first.  Then onto the one he "thinks" I'm aiming for.

I wasn't.  On we go - all the way to the end of the park.  At this point he seriously ran for at least 2 miles, never hardly slowing down.

A few stops to "look over" the scene and then off he went again.  What a funny pose.

Go Greyson, Go.

Brief moments of rest before we leave.

So - during all this, Jill and I changed the evening plans.  I am dropping her off to get Greyson dried off, then zipping home to get Mister.  Returning to pick all three of them up - we are going to Pecan Lodge for dinner.  Brock's conference dinner is not until almost 8 and people are hungry.

A little street wandering to walk off the feast - down in Deep Ellum.  I purposely left off the name of this place.  IYKYK.

Beginning of sunset.

A lady handing out Bubblr drinks - wanted a pic of the gang with their drinks.

Seems like a good idea - I'll get one too.

Well, we need to get them back to the hotel so they can change for their night out.  We've opted to take Greyson home with us so that they can truly have a fun night out.  Out come the gears once we are home.

AND - movie.  After walking for about 2 miles at the Arboretum and running for another two miles at the park, he settles in and doesn't move for the whole Boss Baby movie.  Whew --- bedtime.

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