Sunday, March 5, 2023

Weekend Fun in East Texas - Tyler Zoo and More

 It's Day Two in East Texas and our choices are limited, but, the Caldwell Zoo is open and we've not explore this particular one before.  Away we go - it's early in the day, so not too many people yet.

Mister returns to the car for his hat and I grab a few pics around the entry.

As we entered, it was fun from the start.  Seriously.  These ducks (?) were loving their murky water and chasing each other.  Check out those beaks.  So funny.

A watering hole has a herd of deer checking it out.

The Red Fox came out for a moment while we were walking by - then retreated back to his bed.

Not sure if this guy is a resident or a visitor.

Brief spotting of otters - very brief.

A couple of Bald Eagles hanging out.

The Mountain Lions were fun to watch.  Ya gotta look close to see what's going on.

This guy got all excited when a small child came by and then continued on his way upon realizing that they were not going to be his lunch.  He was REALLY interested in the child.

High above, the bobcat watches.

White Tigers - 

The beginnings of wisteria overhead --- one of my all-time favorites.

These Buffalo were running like crazy from one end of the habitat to the other --- and it's not a small habitat.  It goes way down to where the deer were.  Round and round they went.

Get out of our way, you blasted longhorns.

Still racing - they've scattered the herd of deer now.

And it's done.  Time to drink.

Into the reptile house - turtle cruising 

Woah - 

So this guy makes me think hard about the many walks I have taken in the woods.

Him too.

Ahhhh - my love and I enjoying the day.

It's lions and tigers and BEARS - oh my.  This guy is still sleepy.  He should still be hibernating.

Azaleas beginning -- I can't wait to see them at the Arboretum in a few weeks.

Larger reptiles - on the bank and a tortoise up close.

This Colobus Monkey was right up close to the glass (with a HUGE habitat behind him).  Check out his hands.  Very cool.

I think one of these was naughty.  He's in isolation - or maybe he's sick?  Not sure, but the other one has lots of space to roam.

This is such a great habitat.  The proud lion is resting and living life in the morning hours.  Although it looks like the plain behind him is open hunting grounds, there is a VERY large gorge separating the two spaces.

Animals on the savannah.

Rhino - 

LOVE their crowns glowing in the sunlight.

Great restaurant area overlooking the savannah.

Reflection picture.  Dang pole.

Gotta say, these monkeys were a blast to watch.

The bird area wasn't open on our first trip through, so we're hitting the first areas again.

This time, the longhorn are relaxing.  Buffalo are somewhere else.

Parakeet time - 

Cockatiel - 

Peek-a-boo.  And that's it.  There are giant rockers at the entrance so we settle into those while searching online for the next adventure today --- hope it includes food.  It does, let's go.

Mister has found a spot - Smoke Monkey.  Well, the outside is pretty fun.

Inside - 

It's a BBQ spot and after a bit of a wait, we have food.  It's pretty decent so altogether, I'm happy.

Next, a drive down to Palestine.  Funny GPS moment when she tells us that she can't get us to Palestine.  We added Texas to the request and then she was good.  I have to admit that Palestine was challenging.  NOTHING is going on - seems like a dead town.

Not even sure where these few cars occupants were.

A church!  Surely they will have open doors today.  Nope.  Drat, it looked like it was gorgeous inside, but we'll never know.

As we drive by Pint & Barrel Drafthouse, there are people sitting out front and we are shocked, but turn in.  It was just a tease.  Apparently, the locals use their WiFi.  Ugh.

The town is trying.  There is some art downtown and little train cars everywhere, but, overall, not much there.

One little treasure was found.  The Bowers Mansion.  It was originally the house of Merchant Henry Ash.  Built in 1878, it was bought in 1884 by Andrew and Nellie O'Connell Bowers.  They had a cupola, gazebo, and circular galleries added after 1886.  The house continued to be enlarged until 1921.  Andrew Bowers passed away in 1926 and the house went to his son, Andrew Bowers, Jr.  This is where things get very interesting.  In 1956 Bowers murdered his wife, Mary.  As police made their way up the path to enter the home, Mr. Bowers committed suicide.  It's believed that their spirits still linger, as well as several others who took their last breath here over the years.  In addition to the 140+ year old home itself, there are several other buildings on the grounds, some of which are accessible.  The slave quarters is the only building that cannot be accessed.  There is quite a bit of restoration work going on here AND they do Ghostly Tours on some evenings.  Here is a view from the front - 

And the side which shows the original white of the home.

We also spot this anchor from the A.S. Ruthven.  The steamboat was build on the Ohio River and brought to the Trinity River in 1860.  It plied between Galveston and two points in Anderson County, Magnolia and Parker's Bluff.  The Ruthven carried both cargo and passengers, having a capacity of 600 bales of cotton.  In the late 1860's, while the boat was tied up at Parker's Bluff awaiting the next season there was a judgement against the boat by the crew for their wages and the boat was sold under a decree of the U.S. Court.  It was bought for $900.00 by George Anderson Wright of Palestine, who had been a passenger on the last trip.  The boat was dismantled at Parker's Bluff.  Fifty years later, the anchor was recovered and brought to this site which was the location of the Chamber of Commerce.

Across from the anchor - 

I guess we head back to Tyler for the evening.  Upon our arrival, we discover that Rose City Drafthouse is open.  Grabbing a couple of beers, we head out to the patio.  (honestly, we've been here before and this place never smells good, but the beer is good so the lines are clean)

While enjoying the evening on the patio, Mister finds dinner.  Japanese is the ticket.  Mikoto's is the place.

Starting with a roll

And noodle soup for main - hits the spot.  Night y'all.  See you tomorrow for Day 3.

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