Sunday, February 5, 2023

Lubbock Weekend & Drive Home - Just Us Two

 The drive home begins today, but first --- Coffee!  I've found what I think will be a unique shop here in Lubbock.  It is He-Brews and a bit out of the way, but worth it.  As we approach, we spot prairie dogs all over the place.  

WOW - what a cool patio set-up.  It's too bad that today is dang cold out - well at least the early morning air is cold.

Scenes inside - 

We had great spots at the window where we could watch prairie dogs all over the place - both sides of the water.  How fun.  The coffee is soooo good and my design stayed all the way to the bottom of the cup.  

Inside the coffee shop is also a radio station.

Okay - we are back on the road and taking a new route which goes through lots of small towns, most of which happen to the be county seats.  Grabbed some courthouse pics as we went.  Crosbyton, Texas.

Crosbyton also has the largest rest area in Texas.  Truly.  Silver Falls Park is the largest and one of the finest roadside parks in Texas.  Since the 1800's travelers have found Silver Falls a scenic, pleasant place to stop.  In 1935 the National Youth Association, part of President Roosevelt's Work Project Administration, built the park's stone facilities.  In 2004, the federal Transportation Enhancement Program and the Texas Department of Transportation spent $2.7 million renovating Silver Falls.  New restrooms, a visitor information center, and new, shaded picnic tables were added.  Park visitors now enjoy hiking, backpacking, and picnicking by the beautiful waterfall.  That park also provides wireless internet services for its visitors..  I walked up to the restroom and Mister was parked waaaaay down the road chatting with a gentleman who works here and was giving him TONS of information about the place.  

Now, about those falls.  I walk over to the wall - 

My view --- maybe during the rainy season?

You can see the original picnic tables in the background - beside where the "creek" would be.

Next up is Dickens, Texas.

Love the old windmill in the picture.

And the bell!

Across the street is the old jail.

Mister spots this sign and we do a quick double-back for the picture.  Too funny.

From there - just lots of long roads ahead of us.

Benjamin, Texas 

Spotted this old bank vault!!

The former Knox County Jail, which now houses a museum.

A Once Upon a Time building.

Time to feed the drivers.  Seymour, Texas and Copeland's Cafe.

Good down home cooking.  It fit the need and we hit the road for the last leg home.  No more stops.  It's been a nice day together and we're ready for some time at home.  See ya soon.

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