Tuesday, February 2, 2021

A Long Overdue Trip - Provo, UT - Cassie's House Days 1 and 2

It is the last day of January and we have been crazy fortunate for a winter trip north.  The weather has been wonderful.  Today, we leave Montana and are heading south to Provo, UT.  The hope is to get there before the grands go to bed, so we're off and plan on making very few stops.  As we go down the lake shore ---- some last pics to hold us until the next visit.

Before long --- pointed south and the terrain starts to change.  Snow on both sides of the road, but, fortunately, the pavement is clear.

It is a little past 7:30 and we have accomplished our goal.  Grandbabies are in our arms once again.  They are in the process of getting ready for bed and we simply settle in to cuddle while each one goes off with mom for the nightly rituals.  Books are read, hair is brushed and I'm trying to capture it all for memories to tide us over.

These moments just go so fast.  I am shocked at how easy JP is with us.  No reservations at all and that just makes our hearts so crazy happy.

I can't quite say the same thing for Mairead.  It takes awhile, but Grandpa is finally able to hold her although I have no idea what is happening in this picture.  It's the best I've got.

Mister is in camera mode and I have the books.  It's almost time to call it a night, but stories must happen first.  I start with Ophelia and Ava as they are ready.

Jp joins in.

Mairead and Mom join in to share a funny video.  My arms are definitely full now.

Good-nights are said to the kiddos and we make our way to the little AirBNB apartment that we have for the week.  (We checked in real quick before arriving at Cassie's and unloaded the car, but that was it.)  As we go out the door, Cass hands us a bag for the morning and it is such a pleasant surprise when opened.  Oh my --- this is wonderful.  She is a saint.

Now for a quick tour through the little apartment.  This home away from home is all ours for $55 per night.  PERFECT.  Two bedrooms.

Decent bathroom with pebbled shower (not shown)


Small dining area

Living Room - both angles.  There is also a laundry room and I think we are just set.  Mister and I are beat and calling it a day.  Whew.

2/1 - Good morning and welcome to February.  Letting Mister sleep in, I am off to the house to help Cass and share in some of the morning fun.  I know my sweetie needs to set up his work station when he wakes so I leave a note letting him know I'll be back around lunch.

As I help with the pre-school preparations, this room just makes my heart oh so happy.  So much of my love is on those beds and I it's nice to know they are wrapped in it each night.

Ophelia is taken to school and we finish getting everyone else ready and out the door.  After dropping Ava at preschool, we are off to a tumbling class for JP.  Miss Mairead is still just not too sure of me.

JP takes off and is running around the gym WAAAAAY ahead of the others.  I'm amazed at how they all have their moms with them, but he's just cool - like "here I go."

And then, once they divide into stations, it all comes to a screeching halt and he does not wish to participate any longer.  In goes Mom.

At the station change, he is willing to participate once again.

Oh, did I mention that this time I'm the designated helper at his request?

His final station involves the apparatus work and both Mom and I are there to watch.

At this point -- a little video to share - 

The end of class involves a parachute and some balls.  Mairead gets to come and play now.  Do you suppose we can catch a smile or two?

"I've got the ball."  However, no real smile but at least not a complete frown.

Getting better.

Almost there - 


Clean up, clean up, everybody clean up.  She's amazing at retrieving the balls and getting them into the bag.

A little stop after to play the games, a quick tun to the grocery store, and then it's time to pick up Ava.  The morning flew by.

Mister is picked up and back with the crew as we make our way to pick up O from school.  Yep, we're walking.  Ava and JP want to walk along so Grandpa and I each have one and away we go.

"Come on, Gammy."

By the time Ava and I make it part way there, Grandpa is on the way back with O and JP in his arms.  He is done walking - JP, not Grandpa.

A move to the shoulders is made and we are on our way back home.  After a bit, JP is just too heavy and I offer to walk with him - very slowly cos he is "tired."  Grandpa is happy for the time with the girls.

Once O takes off, my hand is dropped and JP gains Grandpas hand once again.  No lifts, but it's all good by now.  Lunch and then ideas for how to spend the afternoon start.

We decide on Thanksgiving Point and the Butterfly Biosphere.  It's not very far from the house and Grandpa has never been.  Let's go.  Follow along with us and all the fun that takes place - from games to . . .

Critter education - this is a Greenbottle Blue Tarantula.

To activities all over the room.

What does she see?

Learning at it's best and for all ages.

Always time for a pose or two.

Watching Grandpa and Mairead is entertaining all by itself.  I have to constantly remind myself that she is only a little over 14 months old.  Crazy.

Crafts and climbing.  So much to do.

And now - for the highlight (well at least for me) for the trip.  Into the butterfly house.

Just watching the kids at first.  JP is listening to directions.

The butterflies are everywhere - it's so fun to watch.

Okay - focus Deb.  Let's get some amazing pictures to share.

At the feeder.

Ooooh, a better angle.  Did you even notice the second one in the picture above?

The wings when open.

The wings when closed.

They are so abundant that they are even settled on the rocks near the waterfall.

Gives a hint at the color inside the wing.

Hey there dude -- you watching me?

All right - let's see if anyone wants to say hi up close and personal like.  Mister has a likely candidate.

Success - 

Ooooh - my eyes are just everywhere.

Time to help the kids - 

Cass succeeds as well - 

Grandpa and O have done well too.  She has luck with two different ones.

Meanwhile, I've found a couple that were "busy" and just crawled onto my hand.

Ava and JP are also having the experience - with Grandpa close by.

Cass with Mairead --- not to close sweetie --- but at least she's interested this time.

The pass off to O - and then she and I go to find someone else to share with as it's time to go.

Mister and I stop to see the Goliath Birdeater Spider as it is peeking out.  Not the best pics through the glass but this thing is dang huge.

Now to run off the wiggles for a bit in the play area.

Slide anyone?  And that's it --- time to go.  Dinner to make and tomorrow is a school day for kids and Grandpa.

Grandpa playing with Mairead --- in JP's quilt but oh so cute (and, yes, another one I made).  Dinner is always better on someone's lap, right?

Fun while we can.  Grandpa will have to work the next three days, so will only have evenings with the kiddos.  He's enjoying as much as he can.

One of those candid moments you can't just let pass.  Gotta love the littles.   With that, we are heading back to the apartment and some much needed sleep.  See ya tomorrow in a new post.

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