Sunday, January 31, 2021

A Long Overdue Trip - Bigfork, MT - Mom's House

 January 24th, 2021  - Another transfer is taking place today, but it is a bit longer than across town.  We have a 6-6 1/2 hour drive across Montana to my mom's home.  A 10:30 departure has us on the highway and wondering how much snow we will run into along the way.  The mountains in the distance appear to have a bit on top.

Two hours in - still good so far.

As we pass Butte, I attempt a moving car shot of the Our Lady of the Rockies statue, but at this distance in a moving vehicle and with my phone --- it's just a white blip at the top of the mountain.  If you'd like to learn more about her, here is an info LINK.

Three o'clock and all is well.

And then we come up on this truck.  Gotta tell ya, I'm still wondering about those "comforts".  Apparently there are multiple and they are not part of the benefits provided.  Does make one wonder.

Along this stretch, I attempt several shots while driving once again.  Out the front windshield is tough and it takes many to get a nice one, but here it is.

And then, there she is - our first glimpse of Flathead Lake.

By 4:30, we have arrived (6 hours on the button and we stopped for a quick bite to eat outside of Missoula).  Dinner with Sis and Joe is ready for us and after a nice visit together. It's off to dreamland.

25th -   It is the first time our little car has been here.  Mister needed to commemorate it.

We spend the day just visiting and relaxing.  It's really nice and I'm happy to just settle in for a bit.  Jill, Brock, and Grayson arrive for the evening and lots of smiles ensue.

Great-uncle smiles as well.

And my personal favorite - 

Jill joins in and Mister can't help but play too.

Great-Auntie has some time too --- What do you suppose hes after?

Okay, those are gone --- so cute.

26th and 27th -  A couple of calm and quiet days.  The only thing I managed to record was a dusting of snow.  Apparently, it was VERY relaxing.  Mister was working both days while Mom and I just visited and watched some movies.  I did work on a few projects that I brought along, but that is a different post entirely.

28th - Mister is working again today, but there is a bit more snow so he takes a break from the computer and starts to clean off the driveway as Mom and I are going into Kalispell later on.  First, however, he must find his gloves in the frozen car.  

The reason for our trip to town is that Mom is getting her first COVID vaccination shot.  A stop to pick up some items occurs first and then it's off to the fairgrounds where Jill awaits.  Lucky for mom, Jill has the time to do administer the vaccine herself.  That's done and her next one is in three weeks.  I still haven't quite made up my mind if I'm having one, but I'm thrilled that she decided to.  One less worry for us when we visit up here and our plan is to make this trip several times a year.

Zach's family is over for dinner tonight and it's great to see them and have a chance to reconnect.  We had such a great visit and the kids were AMAZING.  This picture reiterates to me just how much of a change I need to make when home again.  OMG -- it will be done, I promise.

In order to lose the belly, I lose Mom too.  Argh.

More Great-Uncle time recorded.  Miss Scarlet and Mister having a great talk.

Miss Scarlett - 

Colton - 

and Wyatt.  I think they're ready to go home and sleep.  

A quick moment with my nephew Zach -- it was super nice to sit and visit as it's been years since we've done that.  (He had a hat on and took it off for the pic.  What someone will do for an Aunt.)

And one tired Mister.  It's off to bed now.

29th - When I arrived, Mom mentioned for me to look into a chest in the spare room.  I set to it this morning and it's crazy full of notebooks and loose leaf paper.  My dad was a strange one, for sure.  

From there we continued to another chest full of pictures and enjoyed some trips down memory lane and then Mom wanted us to help her with the cedar chest.  She wanted to see what was in it and we found some fun items.  We also found some stuff that didn't need to be in there and some items to toss.  By the time we finished, the chest had a lot of room in it.

Moving on to the nearby closet --- the purge really began.  We found a whole bag of Christmas linens and they went into the cedar chest.  More bags of things and all the various coats are gone through.  While we are on coats, the hall closet is tackled and then we move on to the hall linen closet.  When we open it, I'm pretty sure I would not be able to add a piece of paper to it.  Mom sits on a chair and direct what can stay and what needs to go.  She does so well and by the time we finish, the linens are in order and there is even some space remaining.  Mister has a ton to take to the garbage and donation sites.  It's been a productive day and this evening we are meeting up with family for dinner at a restaurant up the hill.

It's the 29th of the month and as I order a Montana Mule (huckleberry vokda, lime, pressed ginger) I realize that it is the fourth since I decided to cut back.  That's pretty decent and I only have one.  Dinner is awesome and we have such a nice time chatting with everyone.  Some more time with Brock and Jill and Greyson ---- this little one is just so happy all the time.

I'm getting in as much Great-Auntie time as I possible can.

"Pony Boy" is played and lots of smiles are a result.  How many years have I been playing this with kids now?  Oh my, let's not think about that.  It's been great to see my niece so much this week.  She REALLY needs to make a trip down to Texas to play for awhile.  Good-nights are said and when we get back to the house, I discover that she used my phone to take a video.  Fun times.

Mister tries so hard to get closer to Bailey, but he is truly a "Mama's Boy."  With that, I'm calling it another night.  We only have one more full day to play here.  Time is flying.

30th -  I'm up before the sun and working on pictures.  When Mister wakes, he points outside and I realize that it must have snowed again.  Yep -- he's soon dressed and out shoveling.  This time there is too much to sweep and it is wet.

I am up and running now that everyone is awake.  My goal is to make sure we have gone through ALL the linens in the house and the closet in the room we are sleeping in, is STUFFED.  I'll only tackle the floor of it today as I know linens are there.  A few get moved to the hall closet and the rest goes to donation, leaving only a couple of comforters still in the closet.  Such a great improvement.  I ask Mom is there are ANY more linens hidden away and we quickly go through the drawers in the room and find a few more.  Whew.

She says, "If you want to do all the linens, perhaps the kitchen towel drawer can be added."  Happily.  We tackle it together and by the time we finish, our stack in the den is building once again.  Mister will have another trip to make today.

But first, Jill and Brock have arrived and are the bearers of donuts for breakfast.  Yay!  More family time.  This time, Great-Uncle gets the moments.  It's a short stay and good-byes are at the end of it, but we're so glad they returned one last tme.

Now, I have one more spot to clean out before calling it good for this trip.  There is a cabinet in the laundry room that is PACKED and it's time for much of it to leave the house.  When we are finished, so much room is available and I'm pleased with that.  Mister makes a trip to the hardware store to try and finish up organizing this room and then is off to drop off stuff once again.  (I didn't take an updated picture, but trust me when I say the car is filled to the gills.)

A decision was made to meet for burgers this evening with Sis and Joe as we depart tomorrow morning.  Our first attempt at the VFW doesn't work out but leaves us with a memory and story to tell.  We settle on the brewery and have a table with a beautiful view --- while it lasts as it is dark all too soon.

Missed Joe -- drat.

Loved seeing you Sis -- can't wait until the next visit.

31st - Last days suck.  It's always so hard to say good-bye and I'm wanting to stay strong for Mom.  I know how hard it is to have kids far away and wish it were different for all generations.  

We are all packed up and ready to hit the road.  Hugs that last for awhile are needed and I have tears even as I write this.  Be safe Momma --- I will try to be back soon.  It's been a wonderful week together.

We are out the door by 9:30 and are facing a 9 1/2 hour drive to Utah.  Winter is always chancy, but it's worth it for moments like these.  Love ya so much Momma.

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