Saturday, February 6, 2021

Homeward Bound - Back to Texas

 2/5 It's the final leg.  Today we begin the journey home and will only go as far as we wish.  A night's stop will take place, thus we can just drive and enjoy a bit.  As we leave Provo, the landscape starts changing.  We are going through Provo Canyon and as we do, we even see the cabin where a family reunion was once held.  Here's a quick LINK to that event oh so long ago.

So, so pretty - 

All of this is within 1 1/2 hours of Provo.  Simply wonderful.  It's only 9 a.m. and we are having a beautiful drive.

By 10, I'm ready for something to eat and drink.  We are in Green River and have located a coffee shop.  Unfortunately, with COVID they have decided to close the dining area and the gift shop so to go it is.  The order goes in and I take a few minutes to walk around the shop.  I have to admit that this particular way of using large mugs is wonderful!  What a great plan.

The whole wall is great.  We take our yummy breakfast and drive across the street a bit (a Greyhound bus just unloaded in the coffee shop parking lot) to settle in for our repast.  

Twenty minutes later, back on the road and a whole new scenery.

Check out the green layers.

It's not even noon yet and we have watched so much go by.  This one cracks us up.

Do you see it?  It's tough through the windshield.  There really wasn't any place to park.

Just a few more miles down the road --- still not noon and we are loving it.

AS the angle and sky changes, so does the arch view.

We were only there for about 5 minutes - so many changes.

Now the land features are more individual.

Three hours later, still more - 

A stop for fuel has us both cracking up.  It's given us 520 miles for this tank.  This is MIRACLE gas.

Santa Rosa is enough for today.  I'm ready for some sleep and another full day tomorrow.  We drove 10 1/2 hours today and still have almost that many to go.  Mister has come down with a cold and I'm feeling so bad for him but I think I saw runny noses the last day in Provo.  Sucks, but we have been crazy fortunate this trip.Good night all.

2/6  And a lovely New Mexican morning to y'all.  We stayed at Holiday Inn Express last night just so my sweetie could get a cinnamon roll and once those are in our hands, it's time to continue on.  My sweet man REALLY doesn't feel well and I'm trying to keep meds in him so that we can make it home.  This cold came on quick and hard.  We leave around 8 and this is our view today.  So much different that before.

Two hours later we are saying good-by to New Mexico.

And entering the great state of Texas.  We have been through Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Utah, and New Mexico before hitting this point.

A gas fill up in a REALLY windy area plus a cold make me think perhaps I am married to Dr. Emmet Brown.  What do you think?

By 3, our cinnamon rolls have worn off and I'm pretty hungry.  We are in Wichita Falls and Mister wants BBQ.  A quick search has me driving to Texas Underground BBQ and it's a hit.

At 6 we are home.  Mister takes a shot of the mileage marker, 3979, and with only a few extra trips into Bigfork or across Billings, it was quite the trip.  Home sweet home, but a trip full of memories to last us for a bit.

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