Thursday, February 4, 2021

A Long Overdue Trip - Provo, UT - Cassie's House Days 3, 4, 5

 2/2 - Good Morning!!! It's Groundhog Day and I'm sorry to tell you that we will have six more weeks of winter.  It does look a bit cold up on the nearby mountain, doesn't it?

I have left Mister working and arrive at Cassie's in time to see O off to school.  We do not have many plans for today and I'm looking forward to just playing.  How about starting with a sink bath?  She is watching the water go down the drain.

Some are just not that interested in getting dressed.  So many more fun things to do.  Now, if I'm being honest, I agree.  Why get dressed if you are not leaving the house?  As a result, many days, I don't.

Mom has other plans though and soon has them all moving forward.

Now for some projects to spend time working those brain cells a bit.

It is noon before I know it and a call to Mister discovers that he really doesn't feel great (upset tummy) but would like Chick Fil A for lunch.  I can do that.  A quick GPS look shows that there is one fairly close by.  I set off and listen intently for the directions and soon I am near the UVU campus and where it tells me to turn, the road is closed due to construction.  

After circling around once to make sure I did it right, it dawns on me that it's likely IN the campus food area.  Drat.  Another search shows a second Chick Fil A about 7 minutes away.  Off I go.  This one has me circling a mall.  Of course.  It must be in the mall.  At this point I'm giving up and call Mister.  I'm sitting at a stop sign and AS I SPEAK to him, I spot a small sign on the pole that says "Chick Fil A drive thru" and an arrow.  Well now.  Hanging up the phone, I proceed the direction of the sign and all that does is take me out at another entrance to the mall.  ARGH.  I stop to ask some construction workers and they point me back the way I came and make a comment about a "food trailer."  As I approach the stop sign, I notice a small red trailer off to my left and turn in.  Pulling up to the trailer, I ask the girl inside where a "real" Chick Fil A is.  She says, "Right here, Ma'am."  After explaining that my husband is going to want something freshly made, she looks at me funny and says that that is exactly what I will get.  Apparently she sends my order into the mall and someone will bring it out to me.  I'm two parking lots away.  Okaaaay.  Going for it, I order and then she directs me to park off to the side where the cones are.  Following directions, I park and wait.  In about 5 minutes, here comes a golf cart with my order.  YEP, a golf cart.  It is delivered and I'm ready to go.  Remembering the cones, I back out carefully (or so I think) and start forward.  It's soon obvious that I am dragging a cone with me so I aim for a large pothole in the parking lot and am able to free myself from it.  Geez.  Finally, I am on my way to the apartment to deliver Mister's lunch.  It is now over an hour since I started out.  A light changes right in front of me and as I hit the brakes a bit hard, the drink container on the floor tips over and I'm suddenly trying to retrieve the sodas, save the floor, and not hit the car in front of me.  I'm about 2 minutes from the apartment and when I arrive, I carry the food into the house, pretty much throw it at my sweetheart, grab a roll of paper towels and head back to the car.  He follows - a bit cautiously as I'm not real nice right now and helps me clean up the car.  Back into the house to eat and then I inform him that he needs to quickly take me back to Cassie's and he can drive himself over when he gets off work.  I am not safe on the roads.  It's in the public's best interest for me to just get dropped off.  He obliges and I am once again back with family.  Breathe girl, breathe.

I just barely get back in time to walk and get O from school.  It's a beautiful day and A walks with me.  When I have grands alone with me -- it's fun to try and get our selfies taken.  First - play behind the tree Ava.

Okay, with me now - 

A runs to meet O and I love the joy they have for one another.

O's turn - 

And with me - 

All three now --- woohoo

Back at the house, it's time for snacks and then we need to get ready for the first day of swim lessons.

The girls are super excited and ready to learn.  JP, on the other hand, is crazy upset that he isn't swimming too.  There is no consoling him and it's going to be a long 45 minutes.  Mairead just sits in her stroller like a champ.

I try and get up occasionally to take a few pictures but it's so warm in this pool area that there is no way I can leave my mask on so I am very quick about it and then stay put in my corner of the world.

Fun was had and it's time to get out of the water.  A quick trip to the locker rooms to change and we are on our way back to the house.  Some quiet time is nice and I'm enjoying watching this interaction.

Grandpa arrives and a new fun begins.  Someone has my shoes.  Grandpa has brought goodies for the kids from his magical bag of tricks.

Lots of new fun about to begin.

The bug catcher is fascinating to JP -- but as a carrier for other toys.

Another of those -- must grab camera moments.

Time for Candy Land.  I think I have arthritis in my thumbs because they are just so painful right now.  If I wear the gloves to keep my hands warm, it helps.  Seems odd, I know.

Grandpa LOVE!!

And a story to top it off.  Another day has whooshed past and I can't believe how tired I am.  Back to the apartment we go.

2/3 - It is not near as nice out today.  Look at the amount of snow on the mountain and they sky lets you know how very cold it is getting.

We are doing the preschool drop-off and tumbling class schedule again.  It is the last class in this session so JP will "graduate" today.  AS we arrive, the sky lets loose on us and drops snow type hail.  So bizarre.

About midway through the class, Mairead has had enough thus she and I are out for a stroll.  Stopping by the climbing wall for a bit before returning for the end of JP's class.

It's time for the ceremony - he has his medal and doesn't even wait for the TA-DA.  Someone told him there were treats.

We have a bit of time before picking up Ava from preschool, so a stop at the library ensues and a stack of books makes its way to the car with us as we depart.  We even have time to get a prescription filled and then A is retrieved and all are home --- heavily ensconced in a show.

Well, not everyone cares about the show.

Free time and games all around.  Both rooms are busy with activity.

Mister and I offered to treat for dinner and the girls picked Mama Chus as the winner.  Scott is able to join us for dinner and we have a room all to ourselves, which makes Grandpa and I a bit more comfortable too.

Full bellies make the trip home again and family quiet time watching a show together.  

Later ---- snuggles of the best kind.  Another of Gammy's cuddle quilts.

Yep, there's room.

Grandpa is not alone either --- apparently it's boys and girls separated tonight.

Until reading time -- then all together.  We stay a bit later tonight and visit with Scott and Cass for awhile.  It's so nice and by the time we depart, I'm once again ready for sleep.  

2/4 - On the way to Provo, Mister was worried about the fluid levels in our car so I have an appointment this morning to have the car checked out.  Yep, hanging out in the showroom and keeping my eyes on my phone -- no shopping for me.

This dealership is amazing and checks the car over thoroughly, tops off the fluids, even though they were not a problem as the car is going to the shop as soon as we return home.  Not a dime is charged and they were just perfect for a traveler to experience.  

By the time I arrive at the house, animal bathing is in full force.  Suds, suds, and more suds as the animals each receive multiple bathings.  What a fun activity and I'm not sure why it never crossed my mind to do this when my kiddos were small.  Bravo Cassie.

Shortly thereafter, I walk to get O and is is dang cold out.  She runs to me, making my heart even happier and I will be so sad for these moments to end.

At home, Mom and kids are playing The Floor is Lava, based on a competition show on Netflix.  It is wonderful (the kids playing) and I laugh so hard as they try and master the course Mom has put out.  As the game ends (no, I didn't take pictures as I was busy helping them), the decision is made to watch a couple episodes of the real thing.

By the time I go to pick up Grandpa --- the day has become beautiful again, but there is a LOT more snow on nearby mountains.  Wow.

We have good-byes to make tonight and although we don't want to leave, it's time to make our way further south tomorrow.  I'm still trying for a few selfies and this is the best I can get with Mairead.  Hmmmm.

JP obliges nicely though - 

And a last night family games has everyone participating.

The time finally arrives and I need a pic before the tears really start flowing.  As a result my hand wiggles and I don't even get a good picture.  It is what it is.  Thank you, Cassie, for letting us come and play for a few days.  We really loved our time and wish it happened more often.  You have a wonderful family and are doing such a great job with these adorable grands.  We love you all so very much.

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