Sunday, November 15, 2020

Loving the Lake

 In the spring, we make the trek to Dallas Blooms almost every week, but 2020 didn't allow for that.  It seems that this fall, we are following up with weekly trips to the lake.  I'm perfectly content to just sit on the dock and sip a warm beverage while watching the waterfowl.  It just makes the world seem right again.  Come along and share in our eye candy.

Two pelicans grooming each other. (Sorry it is blurry --- can't win every time.)  The second picture --- It's a meeting and all are gathering.

This group prefers their own gathering as they can eat at the same time.

Just listen ---- 

Our view.

Better picture, but still not wonderful.  It's hard when you zoom in so much with a phone camera.

I did get a video of his departure though, 

And now, just to show the difference between me and a pro --- here are Mister's pics.  In my defense, I had a phone.

A stop at the dam just to look around a bit.

Light coming through vegetation --- so pretty.

Beside the dam.

A sea of white birds --- seagulls.  Landgulls??  Not sure how to say it right.

In flight all around.

Back home and it's a clean up the yard day.  SOOOOO many leaves.

Sitting on the porch enjoying the clean yard and I notice that life always finds a way.  Name that movie.

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