Sunday, November 8, 2020

Lake Walking in November - Round Two

 Coffee in hand, we are driving to the lake for a short walk and some time with the waterfowl.  The radio says it's a "beautiful, sunny day" out.  Hmmmm.  It's pleasant, but sunny?  At any rate, we are going to revel is the fall colors this morning, for they are glorious indeed.  Dallas does have the beauty of fall - and I love it.

Off we go.

The morning greeters are out in full force.

Our pier is void of other humans and we settle in to watch.  Mister even brought binoculars this time.  Looking out towards the lake, the water is calm and rather vacant of occupants up our arrival.

Overhead, there are indications that things could change soon.

With our view directed to the little lagoon and shoreline, more activity takes place.

Ahhhhh ---- so beautiful.

The arrivals begin.

Todays lesson.  These are Coots, not ducks.  Who knew?  They have black bodies, white bills, and bright green legs with super long toes.  Their sound is more of a bark than a quack.

Now, the view out towards the water shows occupancy rates have climbed.

This couple fascinated us.  She's a very pale gray, almost white and he is black.

Just as we are getting ready to leave, an egret lands nearby.

I am able to get a video of his brief stay and departure.

Another lands straight out from us.  Such fun, last minute moments.

Saying good-bye to us.

Final look back --- a sailboat comes into view, but no sun.  Silly radio.

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