Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving 2020

 Thanksgiving in 2020.  For many it is such a different experience.  Luckily, for us, the entire Abilene family has had COVID within the last month and "we think" they cannot carry it.  Mister and I know we don't have the virus so it's a road trip to gather together.  We decide to make the trip on Wednesday afternoon and OMG.  You cannot believe the traffic we encountered.  I think everyone is on the move.  We wound up using the express lane from the minute we got on the interstate until right near Weatherford.  Yep, it goes that far without a break.  It'll cost a fortune, but I'm sure we saved an easy 2 hours judging from how the traffic was stopped on the main road for almost the whole distance.  Wow.

Upon arriving at Jens ---- ooooh, it's so pretty.  She is already decorated for Christmas and I love it.  The white nativity on the mantle was either made by her or me.  I just can't remember.  I KNOW I made a white one and no longer have it.  Hmmmm.  Her stockings are magnificent.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Loving the Lake

 In the spring, we make the trek to Dallas Blooms almost every week, but 2020 didn't allow for that.  It seems that this fall, we are following up with weekly trips to the lake.  I'm perfectly content to just sit on the dock and sip a warm beverage while watching the waterfowl.  It just makes the world seem right again.  Come along and share in our eye candy.

Two pelicans grooming each other. (Sorry it is blurry --- can't win every time.)  The second picture --- It's a meeting and all are gathering.

This group prefers their own gathering as they can eat at the same time.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Lake Walking in November - Round Two

 Coffee in hand, we are driving to the lake for a short walk and some time with the waterfowl.  The radio says it's a "beautiful, sunny day" out.  Hmmmm.  It's pleasant, but sunny?  At any rate, we are going to revel is the fall colors this morning, for they are glorious indeed.  Dallas does have the beauty of fall - and I love it.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Lake Walking in November - PELICANS!!

 It's been a minute or two since we walked at the lake.  It's time.  Here in Texas, autumn is the best weather for walking and we really need to start implementing it more into our lives.  Today, coffee and scones in hand, we are at the water's edge, just moseying.  If you look REALLY close, you will see that every single post is occupied with the exception of a short one.