Saturday, June 9, 2018

The BEST Birthday Surprise

8th -  It's another up, up, and away day.  We are en route to Utah and some time with Cassie for Ophelia's birthday.  Mister booked an unusual afternoon flight so our morning was calm and relaxed as we prepared to leave.  Now, we are on our way and we both have a great laugh at the map in front of us.  Do you see it?  Sure, sure -- ya'll see Douglas Pass, but how about Dolores River?  Hahahaha -- that is Mister's Mom.

Once we land, get our rental car, and check into the very large house Mister rented (???), Cassie calls and wants to meet at a restaurant for an early dinner.  Sounds great and after discovering that we have a waterbed in our room (to much giggling), we are soon on our way to discover that Amanda (with Abe), and Jennifer are there too.  What a wonderful surprise!!!  Through the course of our meal, I find out that Rhiana and Matt are on the way as well.  My sweet Mister put together this weekend as a birthday gift for me.  Now the big house makes sense.

It's the first time Grandpa has been around Ava and hasn't seen Ophelia in two years.  Instant fun is had by all.  And it doesn't take long for Ophelia to claim Grandpa as her new "best friend".  I love it and so does he.

After dinner, we all return to Cassie's house for an evening of visiting and just enjoying.  These two girls, along with John Paul, are the only children for the weekend - all other grands stayed behind this time.  I am going to have a fun couple of days with just my grown children (and a nursing baby) and this truly must be what heaven feels like.  To think that they gave up time with their own families to be here, warms my heart beyond measure. 

For now, though, littles are being enjoyed by everyone.

Uncle is hands on everywhere.

I spot Ava heading for the tree and go over to take a couple of pictures, only to discover that she always wants to climb the tree and is told no.  Now, Gammy has let her.  Dang Gammy.

It's bedtime for the wee ones and Ophelia has convinced Grandpa to do the honors.  Hair, teeth, reading, etc.  Off they go and I get a few minutes with  my grandson to cuddle.  Then everyone settles in the living room for a nice visit.  I love these gatherings -- it's good for the siblings too.

Time goes so fast and most of us are soon on the way to the house for the evening.  Beds are assigned and everyone has had interesting travel days and are definitely ready for some sleep.  Tomorrow is a FULL day with all five of my kidlets --- pure joy.

9th -  Good Morning!  I can't sleep and am up way before everyone else.  Sitting downstairs, I almost wish I was in my own home with a fully stocked kitchen.  I could be making a wonderful breakfast for everyone.

However, I did say almost.  As people start waking, we get to have early morning conversations that I treasure oh so much.  Gathering in a room to plot out the day and just talk is such a tender moment for me.  Now, let's get going so we can meet up with Cassie and get this party started.  Breakfast at Magelby's and an outdoor setting.

John Paul is like, "I can see you over there, Mom."

During breakfast, we decide to go for a short hike to the Bridal Veil Falls.  Somehow, we manage to get stuck in traffic and the 15 minute drive takes almost an hour.  I really think Matt is ready to throw in the towel and figure out something else, but we persevere.  It'll feel good to stretch these legs a bit.

As we get near the path, the creek is up close and personal.  So pretty.

And soon, the falls come into view.  Very lovely and oh so soothing.

We decide to try and get a group picture out in the water.  OH MY.  It is FREEZING cold.  Whose idea was this?  See those grimaces, it is really tough on the tender toes.  We can do this, we can do this --- take the dang picture, will you?  Hey Mister!!  Yes, the falls are even in there.  How many have you taken? 

Matt spots a rock nearby and thinks perhaps that will make a cool picture.  The tootsies are numb now, so why not?

At least most of us are able to pull our feet up or put them on rocks.  Ahh, perhaps now we can smile.

We continue up the path to the next bridge and once Matt spots a snow cone truck, treats on are on him.

That means decisions on sizes and flavors.  I opt to just sample a bit of everyone else's and watch the fun take place.

Hey - - -

Everybody eat at once --- trying to get a brain freeze.  Ahh to be young and silly again.

Look at the size of those snow cones!!  Amanda's is HUGE.

The return to the car goes quick and we are slurping as we go -- yep, I've managed to get a partial treat all to myself.  How did that happen?  I was trying to be so good and then bam -- sugar fix.  We have scheduled an evening activity, but, for now, have some time to kill.  Back to the house to just visit and relax together.

We get a chance to talk about the upcoming family trip next summer and gather some more information.  I think it will be so much fun and truly hope it works out for everyone to attend.  Look out -- there could be up to 27 of us.

Okay, it's time.  We are off to GETOUT, an escape game venue.  We have chosen to escape from a Zombie and I sure hope we can do it.  On television, they always look so simple, but I'm sure it's like anything else -- once the pressure is on, who knows what can happen.

As we wait to enter and sign releases that we won't sue the Zombie if he eats us, there are lots of little puzzles in the room and everyone settles in with one kind or another.  I'm sure we are the first to take a baby into one of these -- yep, keeping things interesting is our mantra.

Finally, they take us back to a staging area to give the rules of the game.  While we are standing here listening, something bangs on the door behind Amanda and she is off the wall like lightning.  Yes, Zombies were her idea. 

Well, that's it and in we go.  I'm not going to share much else about what happens inside as I don't want to ruin one of these events for anyone else.  Just enjoy the pictures and know that we are unanimous in the fact that we had a total blast.  Our Zombie was the BEST!

Run, ya'll run.  We only have a little over a minute left to get out of here.

What a great time and, YES, we did break the code and get out in time.

It's dinner time.  We are going to an Italian place that Cassie has been two a couple of times.  She had mixed reviews on it, but we're giving it a shot anyway.  We shouldn't have, but that is a story for another time.

Since many did not eat much, now for some icea cream.  Needing a place that has sorbet also, Baskin Robbins wins for this time and cold treats all around once again.

How to end the evening?  Back to the house for some visiting and perhaps a game.  Cassie grabs some cards and Matt gives lessons in Black  Jack and poker with paper clips and rocks for our money.  How is it that we all go bankrupt except the dealer????  Hmmmm.

See ---  no money for anyone except him.

It's been such a great day.  I'm so sad for it to end, but know that it has to.  Amanda goes home with Cassie as she has an early flight and her sister is running her to the airport.  Good-byes for her start now.  What a fun, fun time we have had together and it is simply the best birthday gift ever.  Do I have to wait another 10 years for a great one like this?  I hope not --- love you all so very much.

Now, bed time --- there are early flights tomorrow.

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