Monday, June 11, 2018

Ophelia is Four -- Family Time in Utah

10th -  Ophelia is FOUR today.  I cannot believe it.  Honest.  Our morning starts out quiet with a nice coffee and visit with Jen before heading over to Cassie's house for the day.  We have new swim outfits for the girls and a few things for John Paul too.

Since it's a nice day, playing in the backyard is the next order of business.  As soon as everyone is ready to go -- that is our plan.  Yes, we have really put a great deal of thought into this morning.  Hahahaha.  Letting kids play is the best and Cassie says that the flowers need watering so that is on the agenda too.



Meanwhile, O has taken herself to the sandbox for some fun.  I truly love her hat.

A decides to join in --- I think she has enough supplies for the adventure.

And Aunt Jen is happy in cuddle land.  While sitting out here, she discovers that her flight has been delayed and then cancelled.  It seems best for her to head to the airport and see just what she can do so we say our good-byes and hope for the best as she has to turn her rental car in as well.

It's as if A doesn't like her leaving.

I've been playing with O and suddenly she wanders off and disappears.  Apparently she has had some type of potion and has become a mermaid stuck on dry land.

Mon to the rescue as she fills a pool and retrieves the little mermaid back into the water where she belongs.

While in the water, she is somehow magically able to have another potion and her legs are back.  It's no wonder because that water is crazy cold.  Time to play.

What on earth are they going to do with wet hats?  If one does it, the other MUST follow suit, right?

It's time for lunch and then inside for naps.  That means the pool has to be emptied and the raspberries need to be watered.  It's an all-in-one task.

Mom has prepared a yummy lunch to eat on the blanket in the back all while under a big umbrella.  Isn't she just so prepared?  Impressive.

Jen called and her flights are now tomorrow.  My sweet Mister gets in the car to go back to SLC and get her.  There is no point in her spending the night in a hotel all alone while we have a birthday party.

We have just a bit of time after lunch to quietly walk around while the mess gets cleaned up and baby is put to bed.  I love my quiet time with the girls.  Teaching about smells and nature is what makes my heart super happy.

Cassie has beautiful roses in her yard and taking the time to stop and smell them is something I never neglect to do.  There is just so much stress in life --- we need to find these simple pleasures and not pass them by.

A and O are down for rest time and that means the little guy is all mine for a few minutes as he is not quite ready to do the same.

Jen and Mister return and it's time to start on dinner.  O gets to have her favorites, of course.

AND, Auntie is once again able to play and have fun with these darling little gals.

After dinner, it is PRESENT TIME!  O is just so excited.  She is having a BIG birthday party tomorrow since her Daddy had to work tonight, but we are still doing a small one tonight too.  We all want to share in a little bit of the joy.

Settling in on the futon, her first package is a really pretty  necklace from Mommy.  (You can see her wearing it in a later picture.)  First bow, went right on the head without complaint.

Some books! (Yep, we are taking pictures from two angles.)

Now, Gammy and Grandpa get to give her our gift.  It's her tea set and A is interested too.  O's first comments are, "It's a tea set!"  and I'm surprised she knows what it is.  (You can see the necklace here)

She gets to remove one of each piece for now and promises are made to always play with adults present and be very careful with it.

Happy Birthday O --- You look simply charming!!

Now, who wants birthday ice cream?  I know I do.

Grandpa's picture even captures me making the video.  That's fun.

Treats are the BEST!  Ice cream always wins hearts.

O's little mind is working the entire time and wants to know if we can PLEASE have a tea party after the ice cream.  Of course we can, sweetie.  Even Grandpa will attend the tea party and worry about the dishes as much as I do.  It's a great time and the girls are wonderful at pretend play.

O and I attached her bows to the foot of her bed but it appears that little sister has found one and decided that the forehead is a better storage spot.  Grandpa settles in to read stories (or look for Waldo) for awhile and then finally takes his turn with John Paul.  He is so patient and waited for the perfect time to introduce himself up close.

And that's it.  We are calling it a night.  The kiddos are off to bed and Jen needs to be dropped at the airport in the morning.  Cass is coming into town with the kids and we'll meet up for a morning at the zoo before our flight home.  It's been a great day and we're glad Jen was able to stay and be with us, even if she's not happy about it.  (Oh, she loved being with family, it just threw her schedule off at home.)

See ya tomorrow, ya'll.  Back to the rental house.

11th -  Good Morning.  We spent the evening preparing the house for departure this morning so once showers are finished and we are dressed, the three of us are on our way to Salt Lake City for an airport drop-off, fun at the zoo, and our own flight home.  Let's get going.

Jen's drop goes smooth and she has plenty of time for her flight (which DOES leave - although delayed again).  We find a coffee shop and then head for to zoo and just hang til Cassie and the kids arrive.  In we go.  Ophelia has Grandpa wrapped around her little finger for sure, can't you tell?

Right after the first exhibit, we round a corner to discover an up close minute with a toad.

As we near the lion exhibit, I stop to peek, but Grandpa and O have wandered off --- apparently for their own photo shoot.

Back to the lions I am watching.  I LOVE that they have the entire pride together here.

Nearby -- the girls can really have some fun with lions.

Onto the primates --- Yea, the only pictures I took were of human ones.

Grandpa grabs a picture near the elephants.

As we are leaving the elephant area, O and I spot a family of geese making their way to a nearby pond.  How fun is this?


And a peacock strutting his stuff in full glory.

The otters are up next.  Both girls are fascinated by them but JP has chosen now to get fussy.  While the others enjoy the otters, I move him off for a walk-a-bout.  Silly boy.  Don't you know we are here to see the animals?


It's time for a diaper change and mom disappears as soon as she can without alerting A.  We hang with the otters for a bit and then are off to the polar bears.

Mom meets back up with us and onward we go.  I really can't decide which of these two pictures I like best, so both are in.

It's almost time for the seal show and I have staked out a spot for the five of us.  While I hang out with a sleeping JP and the stroller, Grandpa and Mom keep the other two occupied.

The seal/sea lion show is underway and we have great viewing areas.  I know I'm not showing many pictures of the animals, but honestly, I have shown a LOT of them before.  In fact, here is LINK 1 and LINK 2 to two previous trips here.

The girls are starting to wear down a bit so it's off to the carousel for some fun.  I stay with babe and the rest are off for fun times.  Smiles all around and tokens in the conservation board round out the experience.

Okay, let's feed the littles and perhaps the larger people too.  Finding a spot in the cafe, we hang while food is searched out and delivered.  Playing the stacking hand games passes the time and keeps everyone smiling.  Well, that and posing for pictures.

He gets a pretty dang good posing award.

A quick trip back to the carousel before calling it a day.  This time Grandpa babysits and I'm on the ride with O.  Ahh, memories.

It's been such a fun day and the entire weekend will carry me through the next few weeks.  I love that my family took time for me and I'm eternally grateful to feel that love from them.  Happy fourth birthday O ---- Can't wait until I see you again.  Now, it's time for us to fly.

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