Monday, May 7, 2018

Baby Blessing Bliss

It's EARLY on Saturday morning as I leave Rainbow, TX and the quilt retreat behind.  I am making a very fast trip to Utah and back for my new grandson's blessing.  As I drive, the sun is trying to rise but the clouds are super low, making a surreal landscape for me to journey through.

It's the first time I have dropped a car and rode the shuttle all alone.  Usually my sweet Mister is with me for these or drops me off.  Not a lot of time is lost in the process and my flight leaves right on time.  See ya in a couple of days, Dallas.

Hello Utah.  Two hours later we are descending and on the ground shortly after.  It's nice to see mountains again.  I do miss them.

My son-in-law and two granddaughters pick me up at the airport and 45 minutes later we are in Provo.  They have been happily released from the confines of their car seats and eager to stay close.

Ava determines that my rolling suitcase is an awesome toy and she walks around the dining room with it for quite awhile.  Even Ophelia plays along for awhile.

After Ophelia gives me a tour of the  house (yes, I've been here before), Cassie finishes feeding John Paul and I get my first touch of him.  Ooooooh.  That new baby smell and touch are sublime.  Howdy grandson.  I plan on holding you just as much as I can the next two days.

Needing to be careful and pay attention to the girls at the same time, I settle into the living room and they are happy to regale me with stories and share their playhouse that has been brought up from the basement.

As soon as the baby falls asleep, I have a minute to give the girls their rain capes.  Ava's is a bit large, but still oh so cute.  Oph's fits just perfect and I couldn't be happier about that.

We played for awhile before JP wakes and I get a chance to see his smiles.

Cassie and I are making a run to Costco for supplies needed tomorrow at the blessing lunch.  Ophelia is asked to go along and at first she thinks she'll stay home with her dad.  Ava is sleeping and we will take the baby along.  She is asked one more time and decides to go along.  When we arrive at Costco, she loudly proclaims that, "I will stay right with you.  I won't walk away."  We make it about 25 yards and it is such a zoo in there that Cassie says it's just too much and she has to ride.  She will be run over by someone who can't see her down there.  Into the cart goes one very unhappy child.  We get through the store pretty quick, though, so it's not too bad and soon are in the car again. 

A stop at the grocery store is next and with JP sleeping, Cassie decides we should wait in the car and she'll go quick.  It takes a bit longer than she thinks and O is singing away in the back seat.  After a bit, I hear a dramatic sigh and then she says to herself, "I SO should have stayed home."  I wish I could say that I didn't laugh out loud, but I did.  It was just too cute and her exasperation so very real.  Meanwhile, in my arms a sleeping baby lies.

6th - I didn't make it very late last night as I had been up since 4 in the morning SLC time.  However, I have had quite a bit of sleep and am renewed.  It's time to get up and get ready for church.  After dressing, I go out to the living room for a quiet sit with O.  She then wants to dress up like a princess, so, of course, I help.

I am given the task of dressing John Paul for the blessing.  No problem here.  Once dressed, I steal the moment for a picture with the blessing quilt. 

Now to get the girls dressed and I steal moments with them and JP as well.

In this first one, A was leaning far away and not looking at the camera so I grabbed just O and JP.

The second one is better.  I actually took about 6 pictures but only one had both girls looking at the camera and the baby was looking down.  Oh well.  Ya take what ya can get.

This is the best I got.

Now, off to church.  Yep, just about anything we can do to keep them entertained and quiet.

Once the blessing is complete and Sacrament has ended, I am out the door with the kids.  Isn't this just so sweet?  Cousins walking home together.

Before everyone changes clothes --- quick a family picture please.  Yes, JP is already changed but we can forget about that.

I try and keep JP all to myself as much as I can for the rest of the day and into the evening.  This will end all too soon.  I will be back in a month, but even in that time, so much change will take place.

Well, it's bedtime for the girls and time for me to say goodnight as well.  It will be another early day and I'm really tired.  Such lovely little ones.  My heart is full tonight.

7th - It's time to fly.  The sun is once again just rising as we are off to SLC.  Cass is able to sneak away and take me so we are lucky to have some one on one time.  What a choice piece of today.

Ta-ta SLC -- see ya in a month.

Hello DFW --- a car to find, gas to get, and I'm once again heading back to retreat.  The name of this trip was fast and furious.

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