Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Spring Break at Daytona Beach - Days 1 & 2

It's HERE!  Last Christmas, Rhiana and Kasey gave us a week with them at Daytona Beach as our gift.  We've been looking forward to it ever since.  The day has finally arrived and we left Dallas bright and early -- Hello Atlanta!  We're only here for less than an hour and on our way again.

Upon arriving in Daytona,we catch the local bus outside of the airport and are on our way down the Ponce Inlet towards the condo.

Yes, it's on the inlet, which means we have to cross over the bay.  Oh, it's a beautiful day here.

We didn't rent a car this time, but I almost wish we had.  I'd love to explore and this cemetery would be one of the first stops.  Oh, slow down.  I want to see more.

It takes about an hour by bus and  ---- we have arrived at the condo.  We are the first to arrive and as we enter, there is a room on the right and left.  We take the one on the right.  Isn't this nice?

Dropping our bags, we quick take a tour of the house.  It has three more bedrooms (which I didn't photograph).  Starting back at our room, we have a very large bathroom attached AND a huge walkin closet (also not pictured).

The kitchen is roomy and has everything one needs to make a fantastic array of goodies to eat.  Off to the left of the kitchen (in the picture) is the arrival hall and three bedrooms.  Now looking towards the beach, we have the dining/living area.

Here are close ups of each spot.

Let's get to it Mister.  Open those doors.  I want to hear the ocean and see our view.  What a nice balcony.

I look up as I go outside and there is a flock of pelicans right overhead.  Ahhhh, YES!

The view?  Oh you want to see the view?  Okay, here ya go.  We have a swimming pool right below and then just a short walk down to the beach itself.

Can you feel the breeze?

The tide is way out today.

There is a restaurant on a pier just down the beach and we haven't eaten all day.  No one else is due to arrive until after 7 so let's go get a late lunch.

I'm ready for some toes in the sand and the walk will do us both good after being in travel mode all day.  I'm amazed at how few people are actually on the beach.

The restaurant is called Crabby Joe's and is one hopping place.  I guess this is where everyone is cos I can hear the noise the closer we get.

At the pier, we climb the step up and start out onto the pier.  I'm really  hungry now so we eat first and then walk out onto the pier after.  Ahh, the water is beautiful and I adore the sound of the waves crashing below me.

Apparently only Mister has his camera out right now.  Down the beach, in the picture, is where our condo is.  Reverse view.

The walk back is much better as food definitely soothes the savage beast and I was getting a bit testy.  Mister lays down on the sofa for a nap and I quietly put on my suit and settle into the hot tub out back.  Oh that feels so good.  By the time I'm good and relaxed, the beach has cleared and it's time to go wake my sweetheart.

I hear noises in the hall!  Oh yeah, everyone else has arrived.  We now have a very full house.  There are 5 adults and 5 children.  This will be such a fun week.  It doesn't take long for Grandpa to get one in his arms.  The cousins haven't seen each other in quite some time and are definitely ready for some time together.  I love that they enjoy this time together.

Well, most of them anyway.  For some reason Caleb and Malea have been oil and vinegar from day one.  They both want to be the boss and although they can play together for awhile, discussions usually ensue.

Technology.  It never leaves this generation.

At least they are laughing and having fun.

Elena and Malea are fresh from a trip to Disney World and sporting henna tattoos.  Check this one out.

Well, that's almost it for today.  It was a travel day for most everyone and this group is tired.  It's time to get their sleeping arrangements made.  All five are in one room together.  Party time.

You think I'm joking?  Nope.  Once we have them all set up, Grandpa hollers that the moon is rising.  Everyone is off in a flash to watch.

Oh so pretty.

Always striving for a great shot.  Here is our best.  Simply lovely.

Wed - Okay, it's a new day.  I am awake and hear Rhiana and Kasey moving around.  We find a spot on the balcony to sit and enjoy the morning while sipping on Mimosas.  Kids are all still quiet everywhere.  (Apparently Mister is up too since we have picture proof of the morning chat.)

We have about an hour before little ones start to appear.  Crawling into laps, they are after cuddles right away.  So many reunions going on here.

It's a lovely day again and the beach is still empty.  However, there is a construction crew right out front working the sand.  I hope they are not there all week.  (we didn't photograph them -- keeping the illusion of a calm beach)

Once there is breakfast in the bellies, they are off to the beach.  The race is on.  Grandpa quickly changes to go and play with littles.  I'm a little more reticent.  That water is COLD.

It doesn't stop him, though, and I'm glad as he doesn't get to travel and see people as much as I do.

Now, just some beach shots -- no commentary.

I lied - that's Grandpa and Elena way out in the water.

And here they are returning after both going under as the result of a wave attack.  Not a very good picture, pretty blurry.

Ahhhh - Amanda and Caleb

Grandpa and Caleb

When a halt is called to time in the sun.  Everyone is back up at the condo and have determined that throwing a football from poolside to the balcony is fun.

Mister and I decide to take a walk down the beach and just enjoy. We don't get too far away, but head for the unoccupied pedestrian beach.  It's just to the right of our condo when we are facing the water.  It's just so peaceful and such good time for us to be together after the crazy few months we have had.

My sweetheart and his every present camera.  He always makes me feel like of some sort -- a round sort.

After our walk, the kids want to play and I'm always up for a game.  We find a deck of cards and get a round of "Go Fish" started.

Then it's back to Crabby Joe's for dinner.  Amanda and Rhiana did go grocery shopping, but it was decided that we would do dinner out.  Tonight is a walk night and they  haven't been here so off we go.  It's a bit busier tonight so a short wait takes everyone out to the pier.

Raef and Grandpa find some one on one time before others join in.

I wish I knew just what Elena had spotted here.

Between the two cameras, I think we have captured all present.

It's time for a few group shots - my grands

Me with them --- ahh my heart.

And one of us all together -- thank you random person.

One last view and then to eat.

Now let's go.  Once we order, dinner takes awhile and Elena is kind of down at the end of the table by herself so I hand her my phone.  Yes, even I use technology.

Perhaps some selfies to pass the time.

I LOVE these two right in a row.  Watch Malea.

With dinner finished, I take the kids ahead home and we chase down sand crabs along the way.  It's decided that we can maybe change fast enough to be in the hot tub when everyone else gets here.  Let's try.  What a fun time for me and them.  We have to be quiet, but it's so very nice.

Okay, bed time once again.  It's been a full day and everyone is tired.  See ya'll tomorrow.

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