Sunday, May 29, 2016

Montana Girls are Back - Travel and Day One

My Montana girls are back and we are raring to go with a week full of fun and giggles.  I cannot tell you how excited I am to have them here with me again.  It's been such a long time.  After hopping a quick flight to Denver, I have a short wait and then here they come with their lovely mother, Rhiana.  a quick attempt is made to get them fed before we discover that our gate has changed and the flight is boarding.  Oh goodness, let's go.

After a VERY rushed good-bye to my daughter, we are boarded and ready for fun.  Lookout Dallas, here we come.  (NO idea why Malea needs a fur-lined jacket in Texas.)

Oh yeah -- not one of us is good in this shot.  HAHAHAHA

After a super easy flight in which Malea just hangs out coloring and Elena watches a show, we arrive in Dallas.  Guess who is waiting for us at baggage?   Grandpa of course and hugs all around.  The girls are so very excited to see him and tell stories of the flight.

They really didn't eat much of the lunch that Rhiana bought in Denver and now it's pretty late.  Dinner please, Grandpa.

While having dinner, we are blessed with a gorgeous sunset right out the window of the restaurant.  I definitely need a picture or two of it.  Check out the plane flying in the distance.  Lovely, simply lovely.

Okay, let's get this camp session started.  These two are awake fairly early and ready to go.  They play while Grandpa and I get ready for the day.  We are going to start out with a trip to the coffee shop, of course.  Can you think of a better way to start the day?

Me either.  It's about half a mile away and this is the first time for Malea without a stroller or being picked up.  We'll see how she does.

Grandpa brings up the rear on purpose I think -- photos happen that way.

The girls choose to sit upstairs and while I kind of feel sorry for those who are on their laptops around us, it IS a coffee shop, not an office.  Bagels, cinnamon rolls, and both hot and cold chocolate for the two littles and they are all smiles.  Well most people are smiling anyway.  What's up Grandpa?

I can do it myself.

Oh the view.  Grandpa is just so good with her as she tries to show him absolutely everything.  Elena and I had gone downstairs for a minute and this is what we returned to.  Quick, grab the camera.

Well, now we are down here near the shopping center and it's just a short walk to see what's up over there.  Malea is doing such a good job walking that we decide to check it out.  Gecko has a new batch of baby chicks to look at and, of course, there is always George to visit.

This is like a pet store only better.  FARM animals.  "Way too cool," says Malea.

Let's finish this walk and go home for some quiet time and perhaps a game of Fish or two.

While Malea lays down for awhile, we play games and visit in the kitchen.  Elena has very definite plans of what she wants to do while here this year and I hope we can make all her plans actually happen.  I love that she comes with a list as it makes planning so much easier for me.

The afternoon is spend grooming Grandpa (a tradition that he loves) and taking absolutely EVERY wooden dish I own out of the cabinet and creating a restaurant.  We are the patrons and have been served just about every pretend dish you can think of.

Now, it seems we need to get the wiggles out.  Another walk down the street takes us to the school playground.  That should do it.

She does so love her Grandpa and it's very mutual.  These two have had a bond since day one and it's a delight to watch.

Well that's about it for today.  We need to go home, have some dinner, baths and bed.  See ya tomorrow.

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