Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Montana Girls are Back - Days 2 & 3

Today is Memorial Day and that means that Grandpa is off work to spend the day with us.  Woohoo.  These two little ladies want to go to the zoo and we are oh so happy to oblige.  Getting an early start lets us be the first people through the gates upon opening.  Oh yeah.

As per our usual routine, the lemurs are always the first stop.  Having the giant tortoises in there as well makes it just that much better.

While we stand and watch, this guy decides that he would really like to chat with the keepers.  Either that or he would like to go back to bed.  Or perhaps hanging on windows is just super fun to do.  Gotta love the lemurs as you NEVER know what's going to happen while you visit.

Over the river we go.  No, not to Grandmother's house, but to the flamingo pond.   Today we are super lucky in that one of the flamingoes has an egg in her nest and she is guarding it well.  We get just a quick peek when she stands to readjust her comfort.

Just around the bend from the pond is the pathway to the Koala Walkabout, where we take some time to feed the Lorikeets.  Now, Elena is not a huge bird fan so just coming in here is a big step for her.  She does consent to feed one while it rests on someone else though.  Malea, on the other hand can't wait to hold one all by herself.

Making a stop at the otters is always fun.

On the way back, a stop at the Children's Zoo and some time in the Underzone always gets some of the wiggles out.  Yes, I crawled through so that I could lift Malea up to see through the bubble.  I'm not sure I'll repeat that stunt anytime soon though.

This section of the zoo also has the Bird's Landing and we are going to try one more time to see if we can help Elena get a little more comfortable with our winged friends.  WOW -- she even lets one sit on her arm.  However, you can see that there is a bit of worry still involved.

Smile now --- there, that's better.  Grandpa, you COULD have cropped me out, you know.  Ugh.

Now -- all by myself.  Yay Elena.

We can't seem to get one to land on Malea so she settles for feeding the one that Elena is now holding.  We make it work, right?

Across the way we find an encounter with a snake and the girls are both fascinated.  Now THIS doesn't bother Elena one little bit.  Go figure.

After a chance to learn and ask questions, both are more than willing to touch and experience the snake.  I remember the first time I touched one as it was nothing like I expected.  Malea is surprised too.

Time out for making a leaf boat and seeing how far it will float in the little pond.  Shhh -- Malea's did better.  Let's head to the savanna.

Upon exiting the tunnel, we spot a growth ruler to compare yourself to a penguin.  Elena is over the moon that she is now 4 feet tall and we can barely get Malea to hold still long enough to get a picture.  There are PENGUINS over there Gammy.

Just beyond the penguins, we take a look at the mandrills and then catch an encounter with a serval.  What a cool cat.  I was absolutely shocked at how high they could jump.  Full grown they only weigh about 26 pounds.  Loved this encounter.

Onto the Savanna.  Elephants and giraffes, oh my.  The highlight of any trip here is the chance to hand feed the giraffes.  This is one repeat activity that never gets old.  Even when Grandpa and I go alone to the zoo, we try and find time for this.  It is just way too fun.  I love their big brown eyes and that wonderful black tongue.

It's almost lunchtime so that means our visit here is coming to an end.  Quick -- run for the required elephant picture.

And of course, a ride on the carousel that is always promised as a treat at the end.  Yes, Malea rode too but the picture was too blurry to keep.  Drat.

A quick lunch at the Broken Egg Cafe where the wait is crazy so we opt to eat at the bar.  Colors and games keeps everyone busy and their minds off how hungry the tummies are.   NOW, it's time to go home.

Quiet time and then out to the yard to feed the birds.  One with bread crumbs and the other taking care of the seed.  The seed has never been spread so neatly before.

Puzzles always make me smile and apparently Malea too.  I sat with her to do these, but she was pretty much on her own.  Yay.

Alright.  It's dang warm out so let's finish this day off right.  Splash pad here we come.

This place is hopping today but the girls jump in and are having fun in no time.  How many spouts can we stop up at once?

Smiles, please.  That's it for today.  Dinner and bed is all that is left.

Fun and games with grandparents after dinner.

Elena decides to do Grandpa's hair and Malea is serving us from the cafe on the coffee table.

When Elena finishes, she joins in and we are given verbal menus to order.  She has found some pebbles outside and brought them in to put in the dishes as our "food."  Although the dishes are varied and oh so yummy, they all look remarkably the same.  That's it.  We are calling it a night and won't be up long after these two fall asleep.  There's a whole full day ahead tomorrow as well.

Good morning.  Well it is for SOME of us.  Early morning snuggles are the absolute BEST and these two never fail to deliver.  As Grandpa crawls out of bed to shower, we spread out and lay quietly until both Elena and I fall asleep by the time Grandpa returns.  He then heads out to the kitchen to make breakfast and us lazy girls just stay put to play with the camera and attempt a decent selfie.  I am so the wrong generation for these, but at least it's fun.

Well now.  We need to get dressed and get this show on the road.  Today's request is the aquarium and by golly we're gonna miss the opening of it if we keep lollygagging around.  Grandpa is working from home today, so we say good-bye and take off for some fun and adventure.

I love how all of my grands have their favorite places to go when visiting here and they never seem to tire of them.  Well, at least not yet.  I have to admit, I like them as well.  There is always something new to discover.  Hello Nemos!

Ah - the highlight of the trip here.  Stingrays.  Seriously - nothing tops them and I don't even really need to write anything.  The pictures speak for themselves and the fact that everyone can stay here for hours without asking to leave.  Wonderful.

Even the stingrays want their picture taken today.

AND . . . the sea turtle appears to be waving at us too.

As we leave and wait for Grandpa, Malea discovers a squirrel that has absolutely no fear of humans.  She is having a snack and he thinks it should be for him.  I disagree but that doesn't stop him from trying.

It's still fairly early in the day so we decide to make a stop at Klyde Warren Park so the girls can play awhile.  That means that lunch from the food trucks.

The girls want hot dogs and since I'm Gammy and do whatever they want (stop cringing Mama), that's what they get.  We are sitting and eating when all of a sudden Malea topples out backwards through the open area in her chair.  Hot dog goes flying up and lands on her pants.  She is screaming and I am trying to calm AND clean her at the same time.  This is one grandchild who does NOT like to be dirty.  There is only so much I can do so I try not to let her look down and get her back on the chair.  I give her half of my hot dog as her's was covered with dirt and within 30 seconds she does it again.  OMG.  More screams and this time she discovers how dirty she is.  She wants to change clothes but I didn't bring a change with us.  She wants to go home.  I explain that if we do, we are staying there - no playing at the park here, and NO, we are not coming back.  Thumb in.  Calming down.  I go get sno cones hoping that will help and then give her strict instructions to sit still while eating it so she doesn't fall through again.  Crisis over.  I think.  (Please keep in mind that her hot dog had ketchup all over it and fell between her legs.  Yep, lovely looking.)

The sno cones help and when they are finished we head over to the park to play awhile.  Malea has forgotten that she is dirty.  Thumb is out and we are having fun again.

The play area also has fountains and Elena is walking up and down them, timing it so that she doesn't get wet.

Malea is not so lucky and one bursts out, catching her off guard and she is now soaked.  Screams ensue and she is now once again devastated.  Trying to go with the flow, I tell her she is already wet so play and have fun.  Elena goes with this but Malea is off a different mindset.  I tell her repeatedly that it is okay -- "Oh well, it'll dry."  I don't think she is buying it but the crying stops and when Elena is ready to go, we head for home.

By the time we get to the car (yes, it is THAT warm out), both girls have dried remarkably and about halfway home I remember that I need to pick up some drawstring cord for Ophelia's gift and the girls have determined that they want to sew something to wear so we are off to JoAnn's to look at patterns.  When we walk in the door, there is just the cutest apron and we talk about that until they decide that they want to make aprons.  Okay -- off to the pattern books to see if we can find an easy one.  Success.  Now for fabric and bias tape.  We have those selected and guess what??  After it's all cut and we are walking towards the checkout, they spot fabric that MUST be made into dresses.  It's simple enough so back to the cutting table we go.  Now we are set.  Tomorrow is SEW Day.

In the evening, a rain storm hits that is awesome and I take the girls out to watch the lightning and listen to the rumbles.  Oh I do love storms.

Quiet time is spent watching a movie and Grandpa sneaks out to .  Honestly, is there any better way to spend it?  He missed out on today's fun so is devoting his evening to "his girls."

And, yes, the night ends with ANOTHER movie cos that's how we roll around here.  However, this one comes complete with popcorn.  They don't look too sad about it, do they?

Well, that's it for today.  What fun we have had and I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

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