Sunday, May 1, 2016

Birthday Trip - Day One

Wheeeeeeeeee!  Mister has planned a little birthday trip for us this weekend.  I LOVE exploring new areas of Texas and today we are headed towards Wichita Falls.  Now, I HAVE been there before but it was a straight trip up to go to a shop hop with friends and then a straight trip back.  Thus, no exploring.  We are in the car and I've just been handed a printout listing the spots along the way that he wants to check out.  Let the car roll.

The first stop is the memorial for two patrolmen who were supposedly killed by Bonnie and Clyde.  I am ALWAYS fascinated by the tidbits of history surrounding the area I live in.  This memorial is located in Southlake and you can read more about it HERE.  Mister actually stops in the middle of the road directly in front of the stone.  This is unheard of and I am in shock as we run across the highway to get closer.  Yep, giggles all around.  Great start to the trip.

Another dash back to the car and we are on the road again.  My printout tells me that the next stop is the Aurora Cemetery, where a UFO alien is supposedly buried.  Okaaaay.

We arrive at the cemetery and drive inside, park, and wander around.  Alien or not, I simply adore old cemeteries and enjoy just walking, reading headstones, and allowing the peace to ease into my soul.  This one is no different.  Between the wildflowers, headstones, and crazy birds, it is  another wonderful experience.

The mockingbird sitting on this headstone followed me as I walked,   hopping from stone to stone.  At least he wasn't dive bombing me as the ones in our yard do at this time of year.

The old stones have varying angles that have taken hold over time but the surrounding wildflowers make it look as though they should be that way.  Indian paintbrush that just doesn't seem as bright in this picture as it does in real life.

Speaking of wildflowers, Mister is getting up close and personal with a small patch of bluebonnets.

Thinking that perhaps this is one of my favorite parts of traveling with him, I just stand back and watch him work until he gets it just right.

Do you want to see what he sees?  (I did the developing on these pics so keep that in mind.)

Here are a couple more lovely pieces of eye candy for you to immerse yourself in:

Oh wait, I'm sure you are still thinking, "What about that alien thing?"  Well here ya go.  As we leave the cemetery, we find a marker telling us all about it.  Do what you will with this.

Moving on, we need to find the main road again and I look up the next destination.  Mister has discovered another little treat for us.  It is the Texas Tourist Camp Complex outside Decatur and what a cool stop this is.

The history is pretty fun too.  As I read the sign, I am thinking that this is the first "motel" type arrangement.

Quickly exiting the car, we are off to explore the grounds and they are indeed interesting.  This edifice is crazy cool, the old gas station brings back memories, and the ivy covered cafe makes me want to simply sit and stare.  In fact, the poppies beckon and Mister is able to take a decent picture of me.

As for the rest of these, wander through them at your leisure and the story will be scattered amongst the them.

These are actually garages for the vehicles.

A quick note about the yucca plant.  We had a type of these in Montana but I have fallen in love all over again with them.

I wish the Whistle Stop Cafe was open today.  It would be fun to stop in and have a bite, but it's Sunday and they are resting.

I do peek in the window and press the camera up against the glass for a semi-horrible picture.

Oh yeah, that gas station I mentioned.  Isn't this pretty dang cool.  By the way, the name is accurate.  The side contains petrified wood just as it says.

I know, right?  Mister manages to get an absolutely beautiful picture of the side of the station.  You can read more on this SITE.

We spend quite a bit of time here and soon realize that we need to get back on the road.  Dang it all, years ago we could have called it enough and just spread out in a campsite here.  HAHAHA  -- somehow I don't picture us doing that, but then again, we would have been much younger.  Now, let's go explore a bit of Decatur while we are here.

Oooh, a courthouse on the square.  I LOVE the old Texas courthouses and prefer the ones built on the squares instead of the railway.  I just love the atmosphere surrounding them.  Can't you just picture coming into town and meeting up with everyone after being out on the farms in virtually non-social situations all week?  I sure can -- horse and buggies and all.

With the eagle eyes of antique store junkies, we are off to Main Street Antique Mall.  Perhaps we can find some amazing treasures.  First up:  This oh so fun salt/pepper/sugar set.  IRONS.  So very cool.
The next thing I spy is this owl quilt kit in a little fabric store inside the mall.  It almost, but not quite, made it out the door with me.

A basket of quilts.

With empty hands, we exit the shop and are soon back on our way.  As we reach Henrietta, the Clay County Courthouse grabs my attention but it really wants to hide amongst the trees.

Nearby is the Clay County Jail and Mister would dearly love to see it, but it is not open on Sundays so he must settle for some outside pictures.

Alright, let's hit the road one last time today and see if we can get to Wichita Falls.  It's not too far now and there are some great things to see there before it gets dark.  As we arrive, we grab a quick bite to eat and then drive around a bit to get our bearings.  Now, where first?  The River Bend Nature Center catches our eye and we zip into the parking lot.  It is 3:30 and they close at 4.  Can we still get a decent look around the buildings and save the hikes for another day?  Yep.  In we go.  The first wonder I spot is this sweet turtle trying to hide from us.  As i turn around, there are Black Tailed Prairie Dogs running about as well.  We wander a bit further and find one of the conservatory docents has a roadrunner which has just been fed a mouse and is on his way to bed.

Inside the conservatory is a special butterfly area.  Mister and I go in to discover a wonderland.  The docent follows us in and we are given the special treat of releasing several newly hatched beauties.  They go straight to the ground so we must now be even more careful of where we step.

Well that time came to an abrupt end, but with only half an hour, I think we did remarkably well.  We are on the road leading down to Lucy Park, where the trailhead to the actual Wichita Falls begins.  That is our next destination as I want to see the falls.  Now, I understand that these are not the original falls and have been relocated and revamped, but they are still waterfalls and I want to go.

Our walk along the way is quite lovely and it feels good to stretch the legs out after being in the car most of the day.  When we arrive, I am reminded of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  Oh my goodness that is some muddy water.  In all fairness, it HAS been raining a bit in Texas and the floods have been a recurrent theme lately.  The trail leads right up to the top of the waterfall, giving Mister and I the chance to scope out the area.  (yes, we BOTH carry cameras)

Taking our time walking back and reading about the other features of the area, we make the decision to find the Wee-Chi-Tah sculpture which depicts the story of how this city got it's name.  You can read about it HERE.  It is clear across town and by the time we get there, it is starting to look like rain.  No matter, we will still check it out.

I love the lotus flowers blooming in the water surrounding the sculpture.

Nearby is a wonderful old bridge.  Yes, we must walk on it.  Wouldn't you?  And if one is going to walk, then perhaps they should pose.  I'm just sayin'.

Well that's it for today.  It's time to check into the hotel and grab some dinner.  Tomorrow is another wonderful day and post.  See ya there.

1 comment:

  1. The first day was as wonderful as the second (which I read first!). So glad you both make time to explore areas together. Hugs to you both, Allison
