Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Montana Girls are Back - Days 2 & 3

Today is Memorial Day and that means that Grandpa is off work to spend the day with us.  Woohoo.  These two little ladies want to go to the zoo and we are oh so happy to oblige.  Getting an early start lets us be the first people through the gates upon opening.  Oh yeah.

As per our usual routine, the lemurs are always the first stop.  Having the giant tortoises in there as well makes it just that much better.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Montana Girls are Back - Travel and Day One

My Montana girls are back and we are raring to go with a week full of fun and giggles.  I cannot tell you how excited I am to have them here with me again.  It's been such a long time.  After hopping a quick flight to Denver, I have a short wait and then here they come with their lovely mother, Rhiana.  a quick attempt is made to get them fed before we discover that our gate has changed and the flight is boarding.  Oh goodness, let's go.

Friday, May 27, 2016

The Calm Before the Storm

Summer Camp sessions start tomorrow.  Mister and I are enjoying a quiet evening ahead of the chaos.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Mister and I at the Zoo

We are off to the zoo!  Yep, you've heard it before but we absolutely love it there.  Come along for some great moments with amazing animals.  We just never know what we'll see each time.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Lovely Spring Yard

Having slept over 14 hours recovering from a 10 day quilt retreat, I ventured out into the yard to discover that it is absolutely beautiful.  Let your eyes enjoy what mine did.

Butterfly Bush

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

It's The Birthday Season!!!!

If you have followed this blog for long, you know that my sweet Mister instituted the "birthday season" many years ago.  It is a much anticipated tradition and one I dearly hold onto while happily reciprocating each February.  I am going to be leaving the day after my birthday this year so will have a shortened "season" but I'm sure a glorious one nevertheless.

April 29 - It begins!!!  My birthday balloon and packages in the mail.  I have NO idea who sent what though as all have come without any names attached or even if they are for my birthday or Mother's Day.  Oh well.  Thank you one and all.  I have fun treats and a blessing dish.  Perfect.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Birthday Trip - Day Two

I am so thankful for holidays.  Seriously.  Mister took a holiday from work today so that we could have make this little trek around Texas and I am loving each and every minute of it.  The way this whole trip came about was when I saw some information on Nokona, a company that makes baseball gloves by hand, a few weeks ago and mentioned to Mister that it would be fun to check it out.  The information said that they give tours on Mondays and Fridays so we would need to plan.  My sweet man took that to heart and planned this birthday weekend adventure to let me peek in on this company and whatever else we could find along the way.  In order to take the tour, he had to use one of his precious vacation days to do so.  I appreciate it so very much.

Leaving Wichita Falls, we drive back to Henrietta, where we will then take a different road for our return trip.  We make a quick stop at the Clay County Courthouse once again as neither of us checked the hours yesterday.  Alas, it is closed on Mondays too.  Poor Mister.  He turns the car back through town and as we are driving, I glance out the window to my right and spot the word "longarming".  SCREECH.  That is the sound of the car stopping quick to park.  Must not miss this opportunity, lol.  After all, it IS my birthday trip.  We discover Aunt Pam's Closet and it is indeed a wonderful little quilt shop.  I have written more about this part of the trip in my other blog and you can find that information by clicking on this LINK.  Suffice to say, what a great stop.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Birthday Trip - Day One

Wheeeeeeeeee!  Mister has planned a little birthday trip for us this weekend.  I LOVE exploring new areas of Texas and today we are headed towards Wichita Falls.  Now, I HAVE been there before but it was a straight trip up to go to a shop hop with friends and then a straight trip back.  Thus, no exploring.  We are in the car and I've just been handed a printout listing the spots along the way that he wants to check out.  Let the car roll.

The first stop is the memorial for two patrolmen who were supposedly killed by Bonnie and Clyde.  I am ALWAYS fascinated by the tidbits of history surrounding the area I live in.  This memorial is located in Southlake and you can read more about it HERE.  Mister actually stops in the middle of the road directly in front of the stone.  This is unheard of and I am in shock as we run across the highway to get closer.  Yep, giggles all around.  Great start to the trip.