Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September Quilt Update

LINK to Our Quilt World Facebook Group.  Come be a part of us.

Previous 2014 posts:  First of year quilt update  (There are individual class posts for 4 Bonnie Hunter classes as well if you click on Feeling Crafty label and go to older posts.)
                         End of January quilt update
                         February quilt update
                         March Quilt Update
                         April Quilt Update
                         May Quilt Update
                         June Quilt Update
                         July Quilt Update
                         August Quilt Update

Goals:  I will be in Provo to meet my new granddaughter so I need to be careful here.  I am also still out of batting so unless a sale hits, I may need to do some revising here.

Roll Quilt -
UFO - Ceramic Tea Set -  nope
Quilt and bind Celtic Solstice (CS) quilts  -  nope
Sandwich and Quilt - Old Kentucky Album (OKA) quilt - yes
Make blocks and set Jacob's Log Cabin (LC) quilt - yes
Set Sew Squared (SS) quilt, make back, make label - yes
Secret project for retreat (SP) finished - yes
Spool doilies for retreat - half finished


1st - I flew all day yesterday and today is a day of recuperation spent with my sweet granddaughter and my daughter.  Do I feel guilty?  Not a bit.  I am only now meeting Ophelia and she is almost 3 months old.  Where does the time go?  Yep, this is her on the quilt I made for her a few months ago.  <sign, heartthrob>

2nd - I took out Cass's sewing machine today and set it up to get some work done when she and baby are sleeping.  I have such a long list of things to do that I can't let all 8 days go by without making some progress.  I worked on the orphan patches for my retreat surprise by backing them with muslin and then matched them up with the precut fabric.  I am ready to sew.

3rd - I have made a complete mess of my daughter's living room.  I manage to work out half a dozen of my gifts and thing I have the system down now.  I am so liking these.

4th - I am getting quite a stack of completed gifts.  Little Miss Ophelia has found them to be a great place to lay and watch me.  Well, I must admit that very little work gets accomplished when she is here.  I would MUCH rather play with her.  Sorry ladies.

5th - I finished my project today -- all 18 of them and left one as a gift for Cass.  Yay!  Moving on.

We did get out and walk for awhile today.  The Salt Lake Valley is blessed this year with an abundance of fruit.  Look at these trees.

6th - Today's project is to start on the LC blocks for Jacob.  I get 29 finished and have used most of the strips that I brought with me.  My leader/ender project today is to start the sashings on my SS quilt.  Mission accomplished.

Must add pictures of the rest of my day here.  Yep, spending as much time with her as I possibly can.

7th - It is Ophelia's blessing day!  After the service, we spent the rest of the time with family and then home to clean up my mess and pack.  I am traveling tonight.  Here she is on the blessing quilt that I made 15 years ago and has been used for every granddaughter since.  There is another one for the boys.

8th - I left Salt Lake around 7 last night and arrived home today around 2 in the afternoon.  I am totally beat.  Wanted to share this shot of some fun chairs at the Boston airport though.  Way cool as they are lined up so that you can watch the planes through the windows.  Love them.  Time for sleep.

My sweetie arrived home with these:  Oh I have missed this man.

9th - I am a complete lazy, good for nothing human today.  The only thing I manage to do is lay out the LC quilt.  Which pattern should I do?  I think I am going to go with the second one.  Obviously, I am short blocks and so I know what tomorrow's project will consist of.  I have to admit that I like this quilt a ton.  My only regret is the inability to find either orange or black baseball fabric that would match.  What to do, what to do.

10th - I am back in the groove today.  I make 5 more LC blocks and add them to the layout.  I like it.  I then move on to work on the SS sashings and finish them up today.  Woot, woot.

11th - The eleventh?  How can that be?  Oh my, I am seeing a definite problem with my goals this month.  Today I set all of the SS quilt except borders (which are made). work on back (not quite big enough), hunt down more fat quarters for it, and make the SS label all while watching several episodes of season 1 of the new(? 2012) DALLAS show.  I watched the original years ago and remember being hooked then.  I am not sure this bodes well for an already behind month.

12th - Today I am putting the borders on the SS quilt and finishing the back while once again hooked on a television show.  Ugh.  I do like this quilt though, even if it is a Block of the Month kit.  Kinda a mix of modern/traditional.  My sweetie, who does not like sampler quilts, likes this one.  He says that you don't really notice that it is a sampler.  Really???

13th - It's the weekend and I have a new commitment to spend as much of that time with Mister as I can.  We walk down to coffee in the morning and then just enjoy our day together.  Tuna spotted on our walk.  Such a pretty color.

14th - Mister tells me that he has located a used sewing machine cabinet for a 301 and asks if I want to go see it.  Well, uh, yes.  Was there any question of that?  We score on a beauty and she comes home with us.  I am so excited.  It will hold a shortbed 301, which I have, but needs work.  Project for Mister I think.

After picking up the cabinet, we head home and Mister pulls into JoAnns.  Wow, fun day.  We peek at the clearance rack and discover these for $1.50 per yard.  Waaay cool.  The only forward movement on my projects though is to pull batik fabrics and look for inspiration on the next RR row.

15th - Cut and mailed the Autumn 2 1/2" square swap, Put the LC blocks together to complete the center of the top and made the label.

16th - Today is finish up the swaps and so I mail the birthday FQ's out.  I also put two borders on LC top.  Is it enough?  I don't think so --- it's calling for more.

 17th - I put the final border on my LC quilt and make a back.  Believe it or not, I have also finished Dallas right up to the present.  Oh my.  I DO like the black on this and will probably go back to a dark orange for the binding.  Yay.

LOVE the backing fabric.

18th - I think I need a break from sewing.  I am working on my personal blog today and it is current -- oh yeah (fist pump in the air).  Since my fat quarter and autumn swaps are complete, I post thank yous today as well.  I am definitely going to have to do something with all these 2 1/2" squares that I have accumulated.  I now have more than a shoebox neatly packed with them.  Wow.

19th-  I am spending today with a friend.  Lunch and catching up.  Everyone needs to do this now and then.

20th- RELAXED at home and did not do anything worthwhile.  Well, I must be honest and admit that I started reading the Harry Potter series again.  I know, I know -- I have deadlines like crazy and my addictive nature is really going to struggle with this.  We'll see how it goes.

21st - Mister and I are fortunate to be close to where our granddaughter is today.  We are off to Fort Worth to meet up with Jen/Bekah/Jon for a day of soccer and visiting.   It is a great day but we must leave and head to Irving for an evening with Mister's family for Michelle's Bday party.

22nd - Worthless

23rd - Worthless - We had a new hot water heater installed so I convinced myself that I couldn't go out to the studio during this time.  OH --- BUT, my new batiks arrived!  Now I can move forward with the RR blocks.

24th - Worthless - but on the bright side, I am halfway through the books.

25th - I tell myself that I MUST be productive today so I head out to the studio and reorganize the fat quarter bins.  Once that is accomplished, I fill bobbins in preparation of quilting my CS quilt.

26th - It's Friday.  What?  Oh my goodness.  And yet, I sit and read.  Addiction!  Yep, I am so bad and yet I keep on going.

27th -  We are off to Plano today to watch Bekah perform with her drumline.  It is a lot of fun and I feel blessed to be a part of it.  On our way up, we were a bit early so stop in at an estate sale and picked up a couple of things.  Mister asked if there was anywhere else I wanted to go so I mentioned Fabric Fanatics and away we went.  We were just a couple of blocks away when he suddenly slowed down and turned the car around.  I asked what was up as he pulled into a parking lot and all he said was "sewing machine."  Sitting in the parking lot was this beauty.  Needless to say, for $25.00 she came home with us.  She be be perfect for my new table and doesn't require any work like my other does.  I now have 2 two-tone 301's and this one only needs cleaning.  Way fun.  What a fantastic hubby.

28th -  Today is spent at the Greek Festival and I LOVED it.  What an informative and fun treat.  Great time.

29th - Woohoo!  I have actually sewed a stitch today.  I finished the first quadrant of quilting on CS.  I am running really low on thread and batting so have placed orders for both today.  Let's hope this is the incentive I need to get busy.

30th - I worked on my blog today.  I read - on the last book - and discovered that I spent oh so much time this month feeding entertainment addictions.  Hopefully October will be better and more productive.  I am praying that I have this other stuff out of my system.  Really??  The ENTIRE Breaking Bad series, Three seasons of Dallas, and all seven Harry Potter books (well almost - will finish tomorrow).  That is a lot.  Time to move on.

October brings two more birthday quilts to finish and oh so much more.  A new mystery will get started and I can't wait.  I am so hoping to have these CS quilts finished before the new mystery starts.  Buckle down girl and stick to the plan.  Sew on everyone so that you can continue to inspire me as well.

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