Saturday, August 31, 2013

Tournament Time -- Round Rock w/Bekah and Jacob

It is Labor Day weekend and that means the start of fall is upon us.  Along with that comes the start of soccer season and invitational tournaments.  We are off to Round Rock to spend a couple of days with Jen and watch some awesome games.  I love these road trips.

Since we have gotten a late start today, we arrive in Austin in early evening and meet up with Jen, Jon, and Bekah at The Outback for dinner.  Then it is off to the hotel where we all share a room for the evening.  Jon is lucky enough to get some solo time in the pool before bed and Bekah relaxes on the sofa with Winnie and her puter.  It is time to sleep as we have an early morning with early soccer games.

After a quick breakfast at the hotel, we are off to the soccer fields.  Bekah's first game is at 8 and we settle in comfortably on the sideline.  It is a great game and her team wins it handily.

The temperature has definitely risen and once the girls are released from the game, we go over to Academy Sports and pick up "stuff" for Bekah's various activities.

After shopping, we drop Bekah back off at the field and do a little browsing of our own.  We grab a simple snack and head over to Hobby Lobby where I am able to pick up a few things I need for my upcoming quilt classes.  Back to the game.

Bekah's team has sat out in the heat between games and it shows in the next game.  Although they start out leading, the other team closes the gap and takes the win.  The game tomorrow will now determine whether they continue on in the tournament.  It is time for lunch and then watch Jacob's second game.  (Louis, Jacob, Jared, and Josh drove in this morning and attended his first game which his team won easily.)

We meet at Torchy's Tacos for lunch and you can tell from the picture below that we have two very tired athletes.

We stay at the restaurant as long as we can before Jacob has to be at the field.  It is nice and cool in there and no one is in a hurry to get back into the heat.  Mister really wanted this picture to just include Jen and the sign above.  That would have been dang cute - or "damn good" as the sign says.

Once we arrive at the field, I set up under a tree to wait out the hour before the game while working on my bonus triangles from my Lazy Sunday quilt.  The dog ears needed to be cut off on all 310 squares.  Great handwork to keep me busy.

Time for the game.  All the sewing gets put away and we move out into the hot sun to watch Jacob's team once again control the field and walk away with another win.  I love this sequence of pictures - and the sucked in cheeks too.  Memories of Karate Kid come forward.

We are able to get some great shots of the game and I will just let them tell their own stories.

Happy Dance at the end of the game.  Perfect.

Once the game is over, we have a long drive back to Dallas so we say our good-byes and begin the journey home.  What a great couple of days.

Update:  Bekah's' team took first place in her division and Jacob's team took second after a shootout.  Way to go both of you.

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