Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A Very Quick Trip to Billings - Rhiana Bday

It is Rhiana's birthday today and yesterday around 3 in the afternoon I thought it would be fun to fly up and do something fun for her and let her know that she is loved.  I arrived in Billings around midnight, was picked up by Becca when she got off work around 1, and crashed until 7.  Becca and I then stopped at the store for a few supplies that I needed and she dropped me off at Rhiana's a little after 8.  I now have about 3 hours to put something together to surprise her during her lunch.

When I walk in, Elena is so excited that it warms my heart.  The first thing she tells me is, "today is my mommy's birthday."  I say, "yes it is and that is why I am here."  I then explain to her what we are going to do and we get to work.  She is my constant little shadow as we go from task to task.  Malea is only around for about 5 minutes and then heads to bed for a nap.  Dang.

First things first.  We have flowers that need to be taken care of and so with some help from Elena, I locate a vase and we make the food and cut the flowers.  I then let Elena do all the arranging and she does a great job of it.

Next thing we need to do is start the fruit pizza.  Rhiana has always requested this for her birthday instead of cake -- I am hoping she still feels the same way.  We slice the cookies for the crust and put it in the overn.  Now to make the "sauce" and put it in the refrigerator to chill.  That means it is time to lick the beater.  Of course that job falls to Miss Elena.

Now to start cutting the fruit so that we can put this pizza together as soon as the crust cools.  Again, my great little helper gets started but she gets sidetracked easily by eating the fruit as quickly as she is putting it on the cookie crust.  I don't blame her -- it all looks so good.  She finds the can of mandarin oranges and as soon as we have all we need on the pizza -- well she finishes that can right off.

As soon as the pizza is finished, we set everything up and take a quick picture.  Mister has sent a framed picture of the girls along as our gift and everything looks wonderful.  I sure hope she likes it.

Now that the work is done, I have about an hour to play with Elena before Matt picks me up.  She asks me to go out back and play tag.  Really?  Goodness.  Okay, let's go but I have to take the camera along.

We grab a couple of pictures together and then she takes my camera and wanders around taking pictures with it.  I thought I bought her a camera -- hmmm.  As awful as this picture is, I kept it because Elena took it of me and that is a rare treat.

After a few rounds of tag, I ask Missy if she will pose for a couple of shots for me.  She is more than happy to oblige.

Brittanie, the girls' nanny, wants to curl her hair to get her ready for Mommy.  Once that is finished, we go back out to play again and grab a few more pictures.

I am not sure how helpful I am with keeping her hair nice.  She laid down and I kept reaching down to grab her; resulting in the next three pictures in sequence.


Unfortunately, my time is over and Rhiana is on her way home so that Elena can do her birthday surprise.  Matt picks me up, takes me over to his house for a quick lunch and a few minutes with Hyrum and Zyra before taking me back to the airport for a 1:30 flight.

Zyra poses for me when I take the camera out.  And I do mean poses.  One would think she is a model.  Way too cute.

Is that not just the best smile ever?

It is also Matt and Becca's anniversary, so I give a little gift to them as well and after a wonderful lunch, I am on my way.

I land back in Dallas 24 hours after I left.  Whew.  Mister picks me up and since it is a Tuesday, we make a stop down at the Bottle Shop for empanadas and a beer.  Much needed.  It is time to wind down.  I have been a moving unit since I left but had so much fun and such quality time with Elean.  I cannot wait to do it another time and perhaps get that one on one with a different grandchild.

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