Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Time With Jared - Days 5 & 6

Someone does not wish to get up today.  I wonder who that could be.  You would think it was Jared but you would be wrong.  It is me.  Grandpa took this picture right before he and Jared got dressed and left me in a quiet house to gain some much needed beauty sleep.  (It was a rough night last night.)  Are you wondering where they are?  Well, so am I until I walk out to the kitchen and discover this.  I love it.

When they return, I am up and we all sit down to play a few more games of Wacky Six.  We had played last night with Aunt Cass and had such a good time, we want to keep going.

Jared has been reading a book the whole time he has been here and is getting to the end of it.  He wants to go and see if we can find the next one in the series.  We give Half Price Books a try and are unable to find the book but do find another couple books for him to enjoy.  The fact that my grandchildren love books thrills me.  Ah, to fall into another land for awhile when reading -- it is like a mini-vacation.

The heavens have just let loose around here --- goodness -- open the doors and windows and let that wonderful smell of rain in the house.  Or --- go outside and enjoy the downpour.  Cass and Jared went outside to sit on the bench and watch.  Within moments, they were running and giggling as they were being soaked from the wind sending the drops right at them as they sat.  It is a great end to our day.  Dinner time and some relaxation.  We have to get the laundry  done and repack as we have to return Jared to his family tomorrow.  Wow -- these 5 days have flown by.

It is an early start for us to meet up with Jen in Hillsboro as she has just a small window of free time to make the trip.  Once we are all dressed, I ask Jared for a few pictures as we didn't really get to do a photo shoot while he was here.  He says yes and so after I pick out his clothes and Grandpa does his hair, we are ready.  Here are our results:

Of course, I have to get one with me.  Tradition, you know.

Then he starts having a little fun with it --

Time to go.  This has been a fun week.  Can't wait to do it again.  Love ya Jared.

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