Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Week With Jen and Kids in Dallas

It is time for the big move!  I flew up to South Dakota to meet up with Jen and ride with her back to Texas so that she would not have to be alone with the kids for the trip.  I am so excited that they are moving closer and my heart is full just knowing how close we will be.

After a long drive with many interesting moments (peeing on the interstate in Denver - never to be forgotten) we are finally arriving in Dallas -- the kids are fascinated with the "bridges" otherwise known has our road system.  As we pass the "high 5", they are mesmerized.  We arrive at the house to be greeted by a very anxious Mister.  I know he has worried like crazy while we have been on the road.  Jen doesn't close on her house for awhile and cannot get into temporary housing yet, so we will have about a week together and I am stoked.  The house soon fills up with activity and we have 5 kids that are very happy to be out of the van.

I share my addiction to Farmville with the kids and we are soon creating Facebook accounts for them and they are up and running as well.  I know, I know -- shame on me.

Louis is down in Killeen already and will be up for the weekend and to pick up his family, but until then, they are all ours and we will play and visit places around town.  So, I guess we should get started.

The heat is taking everyone by surprise and pink cheeks show up with very little effort.  We decide to get the wiggles out by walking over to the school to play for awhile and it doesn't take long for cries of "water" to be heard.  Of course, learning to dress a little different comes harder for some than others -- yep, talking about you Jon.

It is interesting to me that I have made the switch to warmer weather already.  I am not even breaking a sweat out here today.

Once we are back at the house, Mister greets everyone with popsicles on the patio.  Yum.

And within no time, the cooling off has taken place and they are all back at the computers.  This is going to be the computer generation and they grasp everything quicker than me for sure.  They are also very content to watch things together and take turns trying new programs.

Mister's little mini is definitely a hit.

Catching moments for great pictures -- this is Mister's specialty.  Here are a few of Jared that are just too cute -- must share.

Mister had given him some bubbles in the back yard and he was content.  Yes, that is new for him, but we are loving it.

Our adventure for today is the Dallas Zoo.  Mister and I absolutely love it here and are members, so let's share our love with the grands.  We'll see how pink we can get their cheeks.  We take the DART down and are soon ready for the fun to begin.

Very hot and ready to go back to the house.

Once everyone is cleaned up, fed, and ready for bed --- it's back to watching each other on the puter.  They are content.

Another day dawns -- what shall we do today?  Something crafty is what Bekah wants to do.

Mister gets her all set up and she is soon busily turning a bottle into a piece of art.  I LOVE the dress.  Now that is getting into southern weather.

Let's go find a new playground for awhile.

Mister takes the camera on a trip around the house to see what everyone is up to.  It is quiet.  Here is what he finds:

I'm not sure we had enough computers available.  Waay too funny.   Since Louis has arrive, we are off to Fairpark tomorrow for a family activity day.

Today is a trip down to the Museum of Science and Nature at Fairpark.  Time to get those thinking caps on.

I think my favorite item is the giant bubbles.  I LOVE when Louis encases Jared in one.  But, in all fairness, just watching these minds at work gives me great joy.

Turtle hunting

The next day starts out as usual:

Today we are going down to the Arts District.  We'll do a little trolley riding and then a visit to the DMA.  Come on along with us.  Um, Bekah -- no, just no.

While on the trolley -- the boys get a chance to ring the bell for the driver.

At the DMA -- crafts and explorations take over -- nice tongue Jon.

How about some Josh shots?  I think that is where Mister was hanging out.

One of my favorite pictures from the day.

Okay I guess we can let these kids truly enjoy the heat.  We are off to a water park to cool off.


Since we were able to score on some berries -- it is jam making time and a few extra hands are always welcome.

This week has literally flown by and I am sad that it is over but oh so very excited for Jen and her family to start this new chapter in their lives.  We are now only 2 hours apart and we haven't been that close since they left Bozeman.  Yay!  Thanks for sharing this week with us.

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