Sunday, August 31, 2014

August Quilt Update

Previous 2014 posts:  First of year quilt update  (There are individual class posts for 4 Bonnie Hunter classes as well if you click on Feeling Crafty label and go to older posts.)
                         End of January quilt update
                         February quilt update
                         March Quilt Update
                         April Quilt Update
                         May Quilt Update
                         June Quilt Update
                         July Quilt Update

Goals:  I will have grandchildren again this month plus may be going to Provo to meet my new granddaughter so I need to be careful here.  I am also still out of batting so unless a sale hits, I may need to do some revising here.

Roll Quilt - No
UFO - Ceramic Tea Set - Repairs made is all
Alphabet Bears - Yes
Quilt and bind Nature Bound (Applique) Quilt (NB) - Yes
Quilt and bind Celtic Solstice (CS) quilts  - No - 1 Sandwiched
Set Pieceful Paisley (PP) Quilt, make back - Yes
Row Robin (RR) Blocks made and sewn into rows -- 2 quilts worth - one mailed - Yes
Cut and sew the setting for My Favorite Things (MFT) Quilt - cut, not sewn
Make Old Kentucky Album (OKA) quilt top, back, label - yes
Cut "secret" project for November retreat - yes
Cut Log Cabin (LC) blocks for Jacob quilt - strips cut -- wasn't planning on this as had a different quilt planned -- oh well

1st - Traveled to Denver and back today to pick up grands.  Did a little quilting on NB in the evening.  Pretty tired.  Too tired to even write in here.

2nd - During quiet time, I worked on my RR blocks while the kids watched a movie.  Loved the time together and yet still sewing.  After a full day with little ones, I am out in the studio quilting on NB for awhile.  This is quite the challenge for me as I have not quilted anything "stitch in the ditch" or with drawn patterns using my machine.  It is an entirely new experience.  And tough.  Free-motion is so much easier.

Don't look too close ---  I have never "shadow" quilted before.

3rd - Mister stopped by the ceramic shop to pick up some "slip" a few days back and today I am finally out in the studio working on fixing the tea set that somehow got broke.  I sure hope it sets well so that I can work on this for a Christmas gift.  During quiet time, I worked on the RR blocks and am off to bed early tonight.  No quilting.

4th - Oh my day has been busy.  I do manage to work on RR blocks during quiet time.

5th - I am just going to write a ditto from yesterday.

6th - My grands are occupying all the free time each day and I have been absolutely exhausted in the evenings.  I am not complaining even a bit as I LOVE this time with them.  However, sewing is definitely taking a back seat.  Once again, I worked on the RR blocks during quiet time.  That's it folks.

7th - Nothing but being a grandma today.  Wonderful!

8th - I have realized that my trip to Utah is getting closer and the bears need to be finished.  Heck, they need to be started on.  I get everything set up and ask Zyra if she wants to help.  Of course Gammy.  She helps me get the base coat on.  What a great time together.  I have to laugh as I walk into the office/mini sewing studio.  You can definitely tell there are little ones visiting.  As if my blocks aren't colorful enough or the table doesn't have enough things piled on it.  Oh my.

9th - During quiet time, I manage to get the dry brush work done on the bears.  That is it for crafting today.

10th - I put the first coat of pink of the letters of the bears during quiet time today.  I am a little sad today as we are losing these grands tomorrow.  Tears are right below the surface in all I do to prepare.

11th - Travel, or rather, attempted travel today.  I do not wish to rehash it here.  If you want to read about the horror --- check out this link - ugh

12th - The house is oh so quiet.  Mister is at work and I am just moving from project to project.  I put the pink second coat on my bears, male 8 RR blocks, finish quilting NB, work on OKA strips for blocks, start setting PP.  Whew.  I have such a mess.  Perhaps I need to take some time and organize a bit tomorrow.  Or perhaps not.

13th - It's another productive day.  I make 4 RR blocks, work on OKA blocks, set PP except borders (which are made), trimmed and removed loose threads on NB, made binding for NB.  I am really loving both the RR and the OKA blocks.  What a fun day filled with variety.

14th - This being home alone is certainly giving me lots of time to sew.  I stop around 3 each day and work on dinner, treats, housework, etc.  So far, so good.  I make 4 RR blocks, work on OKA blocks, put the binding on NB, attach all borders to PP, finished gold on bears- fixed Misters pants AND removed papers on RR blocks while watching tv in evening.  Lovin' life.

15th -  It's Friday!  I have put a goal out to spend the weekend with my sweetie so this will be the last busy day for a couple.  I start out by selecting fabric for a backing for the PP quilt and opt for a giant 4-patch.  Additionally, I make 4 RR blocks and work on the OKA blocks,  Things are coming together so nice.  I am excited about all of these projects.  Let's hope I can keep the momentum going next week while I have grandsons.  Ha ha -- not much chance of that.

16th - I wake early and take a little time to finish all the gold paint and touch-ups on the bears - now to spray.  Well, first I have to buy some spray.  Maybe Mister and I will shop today after we get back from picking up Jared.

They are looking cute.

17th - It has been a creative day BUT not in sewing.  Jared and I made and cookies today.  Oh my everything sweet and wonderful in the kitchen.  I do manage to get my CS1 sandwiched in the evening.  I WILL have these finished before the new mystery starts!  If I say that often enough, perhaps there will be some truth in it.

18th - I find a little time early in the morning to make 4 RR blocks before Jared and I are off to the zoo for the day.  After a wonderful day, we return home to make dinner and I finish the day sewing my OKA blocks while watching Quilt-Cam.  So nice.  It is amazing how much I can accomplish while sewing with someone else.  Love it.

19th - Jared and I have another wonderful day exploring the Science Museum.  I spend the evening finishing the OKA blocks.  Yay!

20th - After a morning at the aquarium, I deliver Jared back to his mom and gain Jacob.  We return to Dallas, pick up Mister, grab some dinner and head home.  I didn't get any RR blocks made yesterday so today has a double allotment.  I make 8 blocks and do some trimming on them as well.  I think these are going to be absolutely gorgeous and couldn't be happier with the way they are turning out.  It's definitely time for bed.

21st - My fat quarters from the Batiks Etc. sale have arrived and they are so very pretty.  I instantly put some of the neutrals to use in making todays 4 RR blocks.   The day is spent with Jacob at the mall and watching Planet of the Apes.  Yep, that's what I did.  Goodness.  In the evening I start on binding NB.

22nd - Our adventure today is going to be the Ranger game and we will travel by train to meet Mister before going there.  As a result, we are having a quiet day at home and I make 4 more RR blocks and continue working on binding NB.

23rd - Waking early and loving the quiet, I sit and easily finish binding NB.  Oh yes, what a good feeling.  Instantly it goes into the washer to remove the pencil marks.  It's still not my favorite quilt, but I certainly learned a ton on it. When Jacob wakes, he wants to go to the coffee shop and we are happy to oblige.  After our breakfast, we stop in at the shopping center and I find a few treasures.  I get the spray for the bears at Gecko Hardware, a notebook for my RR row at the Dollar Store, and a new OttLite at Tuesday morning for $20.00.  I am a very happy camper.  Once home, I lay out the OKA blocks and start playing to find something that looks right.

24th - After dropping Mister at the airport, I travel towards Abilene this morning to return Jacob as he starts school tomorrow.  I am now on my own for a week.  Oh my, what trouble can I get into?  Once back into Dallas, I make a stop at the fabric store and find a great backing fabric for an upcoming birthday quilt.  So fun --- this one will be bright orange and black.  Interesting for sure.  I have decided to watch Breaking Bad this week so I put the first episode on and start in on my RR blocks for the day.  It is midnight before I know it and I am beat.  Definitely time for bed.

25th - Netflix and I settle in first thing and I finish the RR blocks -- all 56 are done.  I make the quarter blocks and connect them together into two rows, Oh, they are wonderful.  Stained glass for sure.  One row stays here with me and the other heads for the next person in the rotation.  I write in the journal and prepare the whole kit and kaboodle for mailing,  Yes!  I have made the deadline. Moving on to the next project, I weave the OKA top, make sashings/cornerstone rows, and sew the center top together.  This has been such a productive day.  It feels so good.

26th - The decision has been made to travel to Utah on the 30th so I must once again focus on finishing my bears.  It is a beautiful morning out so the bears and I make a trip to the back patio for some spray action.

 I also make the borders and corner blocks for the OKA quilt and get everything attached.  I really like this quilt pattern.  I may have to try it again with a different, less masculine color scheme but I am sure my grandson will love it.

27th - Today's project is the OKA back and label.  I decide to use a solid black for the back and throw in a few leftovers as well.  I have to piece the back out of various pieces of black from my thrift store stash and just barely have enough.  Whew.  It takes forever to get this put together, but both the back and label are ready to sandwich.  I know it looks like a ton of bubbles, but I am just too tired to smooth out for the picture and the label is just laying on the back -- it doesn't go there.

The evening is spent with Netflix and the cutting table getting my "secret" project cut.  (Yep, that's also my RR package sitting there.  MUST mail tomorrow.)

28th - I actually put clothes on today and leave the house.  Yep -- I have been in jammies all week and no -- not the same pair.  I did shower and change each day, but didn't really see much reason to cover additional clothes in threads.  Went to the post office and mailed my RR row.  Then back to the house so that Netflix and I can cut LC for Jacob.  I get it all cut and ready to take with me to Utah.

29th - I am still trying to pack a suitcase full of projects for Utah so I cut the green BOM setting,  I also get some orphan blocks ready for "secret" project by squaring them up and cutting muslin squares to match.  My suitcase is packed and FULL.  The rest of the day is spent cleaning house and shopping for Mister for the week.  A very late trip to the airport brings him back home with me for a few hours before he takes me early tomorrow morning.  It's time to rest.

30th - It is an 18 hour travel day for me.  I know that sounds horrible and if you want to try and understand it -- don't.  At any rate, I have an 8 hour layover in New York and settle in with my crochet hook and netflix.  Yep, I am still deep into Breaking Bad and am so very sucked into it.  I finish a handful of small crocheted spool doilies as I watch and wait.  It is about half of the amount I need.  Good start.  I arrive at my daughter's house at almost midnight, meet my granddaughter, visit for awhile and crash.  What a long day.

31st - My day is spent with Cassie and Ophelia --- no projects worked on at all.  Simply baby time.  Yep, you can be jealous.  It's okay.  Thanks for sharing my month with me and hopefully future months will be a little less boring --- a little more project focused and have the sharing of thoughts and ideas.  These past 4 months have been WONDERFUL though with our grands playing such a large part of them.  I would not have it any other way.  See you next month.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Jacob Time - Days 4 & 5 - Return to Parents

23rd -  Saturday!  Yay.  Mister is home with us.  Jacob wakes and asks if we can go to the coffee shop this morning --- absolutely!  Hurrah -- he asked for something.  As I go into his (my) room for some clothes, I notice his little collection he has been building.  So fun.  We start off walking and the light on the grass out front is just SO pretty that I have to stop for a picture.  I do love this grass and this time of year.

White Rock Coffee is hands down our favorite little shop in town.  After we arrive and order, Jacob wants to sit up above and again -- his wish is our command.

As we are sitting and talking he starts laughing at what someone wrote on the banister.  I Love Jonathan H.  Way too funny since that is his brothers name.

Per our usual mode of operation, we are down in the area so let's walk over to the shopping center and check it out.  We take a few minutes to say hello to George at Gecko and grab some spray for my alphabet bears along with a freebie for Jacob.  Then to Tuesday Morning where we find a terrific deal on an OttLite for me and a Skylander for Jacob.  Lots of smiles when we leave here.  One last stop at the dollar store gives me a little journal that I need for an exchange I am in an Jacob finds a NO TRESPASSING sign for his new bedroom.  Time to start the journey home.  As I am putting clean clothes away -- I spot his new layout.  Lovin' It.

Mister spends the afternoon working on the car (yep - it's dead again and needs to be jumped to go and get a battery).  Jacob and I set to work making Lemon Cookies.  They are ooey gooey to make, oh so yummy.

After delivering to Grandpa, It's time to taste his own work.

I think it is a hit.

We have enjoyed our time with Jacob.  He is certainly quiet and easy going which in and of itself causes a few issues, but we make a deal that he gets to return over Thanksgiving and we will cook, cook, cook.  I forget how much he loves the kitchen.

Way deep into his game for the evening.  We have to be up early tomorrow so this is his "own" time.  Enjoy Jacob.

24th -  The camera is put away.  We have to have Mister at the airport by around 8:30 so everyone is up, packed, and on our way by 8.  After we drop off Mister, we point the car west towards Abilene to deliver Jacob back to his mom in time for church.  Everything goes well and I am back in Dallas around noon, just as my sweetie arrives in Chicago.  I make a stop to do some shopping and then home for some "me time."  What a great week this has been and with school starting tomorrow, I know that it is my last week with grands visiting for quite awhile.  I have truly LOVED this summer though.  My only regret is that I didn't get time with Bekah.  Perhaps during a break at school this year we can work something out.  Fingers crossed.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Jacob Time - Days 2 & 3

21st -  Well, I now have this 11 year old grandson at the house and when I asked him last night what he wants to do, he just gave me the deer in the headlight look.  He was not much help.  As a result, today I am up early and attempting to find an activity for us while he sleeps.  After surfing for awhile, I think I find an idea.  It is after 10 before he gets up and I ask if he would like to go to a movie today.  I receive a smile in return which I take to mean "yes" so I continue to make plans.  We have to catch a bus right around lunch for the mall -- we'll do an afternoon matinee.  Yay! A Plan!  Let's go.

We arrive at the mall after what seems like a VERY long bus ride and wander for awhile since we are early.  Some of the same features fascinate Jacob, just as they did for the others -- the water towers being one.  And then, for some reason he felt the need to weave through the plants instead of walking down the aisles.  Hmmm.

They are beautiful plants though.  I love the bright yellow.

We make a stop at the Apple store - every teenager's wonderland.  I just stand back and watch as he moves from one item to the next.  I am asked numerous times if I want anything, but, hey, I'm an Android girl.

Next stop --- the Lego store -- another must for these boys of mine.

We have walked the lap around the mall and it is time to grab some lunch before the movie starts.

And now for the main event - Yep, that's what I went to and I have to admit that it was VERY GOOD.  I enjoyed the entire movie and I think Jacob did as well.

Time for the trip back and we decide to take the shuttle to the train instead of the bus all the way home.  Let's see if it is faster.

Home again -- Yay and our evening is spent quietly.  I get dinner finished and Jacob has taken over my computer to play games, so I actually spend some time reading.  How nice.

22nd -  Jacob is still asleep, Mister has gone to work and I am literally wracking my brain to come up with an activity for today.  This kid really doesn't make it easy and I am finding that younger kids are easier.  They love no matter where I take them -- even the school playground.  Ugh.  Finally, I spot something that might work.  Jacob loves baseball and the Rangers are in town tonight.  They suck right now, but it's still a professional baseball game right?  I send a message to Mister to see if he is onboard since transportation might get a little dicey and soon we have a plan.  By the time Jacob wakes, we have it all worked out.

Yes, we are back on the bus in the afternoon.  The bus to White Rock Station, then DART to Union Station, then TRE to the Centerpointe Station where we will hopefully meet up with Grandpa after work.  At that point -- the plan is to drive to the stadium together.  Fingers are crossed.  Let's go.  Candy Crush and my phone help with the boredom of riding trains.  I, on the other hand, enjoy watching out the windows.

We arrive at Centerpointe just a bit early and grab a seat to wait for Grandpa.  He arrives shortly and we are on our way.  As we pull into the stadium to make a stop at will call for the tickets, the car does a short little stutter but we don't think anything of it.  Mister parks and I get the tickets.  Then, since it is free jersey night, Jacob and I take our tickets and go pick up our jerseys before they run out.  The won't give me one for Mister so we return to the car and he goes to get his.  This all takes about 20 minutes and when he returns, the car won't start.  Yep.  Wonderful.  After another 1/2 an hour, Jacob and I leave him to deal with the car and we go into the game and find our seats.  We are a heck of a long ways up - can't really get any higher -- but there is a breeze that helps with the heat.   Mister gets a jump for the car, parks, and joins us for the game.  Unfortunately, the team does not do well, but the evening is quite enjoyable.

Daytime when we arrived - totally dark now.

Trying to get Cowboy Stadium in the background -- not very successful.

It is a great night and wonder of wonder -- the car starts when we get in to go home.  Hooray.  It's bed time -- I'm tired.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Switching out Grands - Day 5 with Jared/Day 1 with Jacob

20th -  I just want to start out this entry by saying, "I am a BAD photographer today."  Ugh.  Mister took the train to work so Jared and I have the car.  Woot woot.  We get the laundry done, repack him, and head for the aquarium before starting our drive to meet Jen and switch out for Jacob's stay.  We go straight for the stingrays and stay there for quite awhile.

It is too early to feed, so we go up front to check out the touch tank and other areas.  Jared discovers the sea urchin and thoroughly enjoys feeling it close up around his finger.  We also watch the rock lobsters move about the tank and do a little touchy feeling with the anemones as well.

The clock tells us that we can feed the stingrays now and as a result we make a second trip to visit them.  Today the treat is shrimp and Jared has 6 to use.  He is loving life right now.

Our time at the aquarium ends and we start the journey towards Abilene.  I am getting an earlier start so that Jen doesn't have to drive as far.  Her day is hectic enough.  Jared and I make a lunch stop at Dairy Queen in Weatherford and where oh where is my camera while I am enjoying a Blizzard.  Drat.  About 45 minutes from Abilene, I meet up with Jen and make the grandchild switch.  It is time to turn this car around and make the drive back.  Jacob promptly falls asleep - hey, he's almost a teenager - and I just drive along.  Pretty soon, I am entering downtown Dallas and give Mister a call to see where he is along the train route.  He is just nearing downtown as well so we meet up and go find some dinner together.  Turns out to be a sandwich at Jimmy's Food Store.  It works.  Time to go home and I am one tired girl from all the driving today.