Saturday, April 29, 2023

Birthday Season - Saturday in the Metroplex

 Good Morning!  It's the first weekend of Birthday Season and I love just having the time with my love and being able to go where the wind takes us.  Mister wants to go to the Farmer's Market in McKinney this morning and I found something unique to see while up there.  I present to you "The Laughing Jackass."  Check out the LMAO at the base.

How great is this?  There are even lips on his backside - you get the reference, right?

Into the market - 

It really is a nice atmosphere and we thoroughly enjoy walking among the tents and seeing all the fun stuff.  There is even a pony for rides.  A few soft pets and I'm on my way.  No ride.

A stop downtown at the McKinney dry goods is always fun.  I love the city walls as well.  This is on the side of a coffee shop.  Spoons - The Garage is our breakfast spot, but no pictures were taken.  How odd, right?

There's a park nearby so we walked down to see the sights.

The wind is blowing a bit so the water is all over the place.

This is so cool and unique.

Leave it to my sweetheart to discover a better angle.  He calls me over and woah.  Very cool.

Well, since we are looking at sculptures, I mention a place to Mister that is not too far away.  

It's a nice day and perfect for a walk around a garden full of sculptures.  Eye candy all around.

There is also a couple of ponds and my loves eagle eye spots a pair of geese with littles.  Oooooh.  This is the best picture I got and they certainly kept their distance from us.

Mister points out some turtles on the other side of the pond.  Do you see them?

The geese are venturing out a bit more --- Can I get a better pic?  Not really.  Drat.

Back to the sculptures --- enjoy the pictures.

Remember those turtles I mentioned?  Well, we've worked our way around the pond and I snuck up very quietly around some rocks to get a better picture.  They never moved.  Any guess why?  Could be where we are at.  The geese are real though.

We are almost finished with circling a third pond.  This place is huge and so beautiful.

More signs of spring.

Love egrets - such cool birds.

Oooooh, he has spotted an invader to his territory.

Nope, it's not us.

"You get on your way now, okay."  Okay.

So peaceful and pretty here.

Just a few sculptures left --- this one is awesome.  When is the last time you played leap frog?

That's it for the garden, but as we drive away, we notice that the ENTIRE area around here is loaded with sculptures.  One could walk for the entire day.  It's amazing.

All that walking made us thirsty so we checked out a new-to-us brewery.  Grrrowlers.  Beer was good and our stay was a perfect little break.  Since we're not really dog people, likely won't go back though.  Dogs EVERYWHERE, even on the bar.  A bit too much.

I've been raving about the wings I had in Ohio so Mister mentions that we still haven't made it to a Pluckers.  There is one up in this area that perhaps won't be as busy as the one closer to home.  We decide to give it a try and, as luck would have it, we get right in.  I do love me some wings.  I ordered a Jamison Ginger Peach cocktail and, okay, this is sooooo yummy.  All is good in my world right now.  Once we are revitalized, the car heads back home.  We have been out almost all day.  Crazy, but fun.  See ya tomorrow.

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