Saturday, September 4, 2021

White Rock No-Water No-Birds

 Needing to walk for a bit, I suggest going to see if the pelicans have returned to the lake.  Imagine our surprise when this is what we discover.

There is no where for the pelicans to return to.  We've never seen the lake so low and with all the rain we've had, it really doesn't make any sense.

Deciding to go down to the dam and see if the birds are there, we see that water is being let out of the lake.  Hmmmm.  

I DO spot a blue heron though - do you see it?

A little closer -

It is here that we also learn that the dam is undergoing some repair work and that they are lowering the lake to do that.  Okay, that makes more sense but I think it means no pelicans for us this year.  Now we have to figure out where they've decided to hang out or if they left.  Onto another spot.

And another -- lots of monk parakeets in the trees, but not any waterfowl.  So sad.

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