Saturday, September 28, 2019

Swim Meet, Breweries, Packing

Spending time with my daughter and grands today makes perfect sense to me.  I need happiness and joy for a bit.  The first swim meet of the year is in Keller and that's a new area for Mister and I.  We are up and out bright and early to meet Jen and Louis for breakfast first.

With food in our bellies, a walk over to the center and finding seats is next.  It's a chance to visit and catch up as even though we live in the same state, we don't get to see each other very often and I treasure these moments.

I've taken videos of the races, but Mister has all the still shots and he's even further behind than me in going through pictures.  It's been one of those months.  I'll add the pictures as soon as I can.

Jared Team Medley -- I didn't record the other team members and even got a late start with Jared

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Keeping Our Minds Busy - History, Beer, and Food

The plan for today was changed and we absolutely need to be doing SOMETHING.  Hanging around the house is not a good plan so, after my sweetheart's doctor appointment, we are just going.  Where?  Not real sure, but somewhere.

As we are driving, Mister remembers a place we had talked about going last month -- Farmers Branch Historical Park.  It's not too far and we are soon walking the grounds.   Out front there is a windmill.  The history is that Mrs. Judy Byrd donated it to the Historical park which was originally located on Keenan Bridge Road, about 2 miles from the Historical Park and was the last working windmill in Farmers Branch.  In is a Dempster No. 12 Annu Oiled and was originally manufactured in Beatrice, Nebraska.  The Dempster Mill Manufacturing Company first opened up it's doors in 1885, and continues to manufacture windmills today.  the No. 12 was first introduced in 1922 and is still in production.  It's most popular feature was that it is a self oiling, back geared, steel pumping windmill which only required the owner to lubricate the gears once a year, rather than a more frequent oiling that other windmills required.  The Dempster windmill must have been an unusual sight on the Byrd property, as the majority of windmills in the area were Aeromotors, which could be purchased through an agent in Fort Worth.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Music in the Garden and PUMPKINS!!

The last two days have just been so hard.  Going walking surrounded by beauty and listening to music seems as though it may lift our hearts a bit and help to revive our ability to continue with all that must be done.  The Dallas Arboretum has a special members-only event tonight and we are going to just enjoy.  Not only do we have the chance to hear the music throughout the gardens, but Autumn at the Arboretum is never to be missed.  I do so love this time of year.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Mister Plans a Day

My sweet man has a whole day planned for us and I'm along for the ride.  I truly love when he does this.  We do the errands, drop groceries off at Mom's and then are off for a fun day.  Next stop is the farmer's market.  More than one vendor receives our money, but lots of fresh, delicious treats are in the car.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Beer Nerds Win

September 1st and the unofficial beginning of fall.  It's also the day MANY new laws take effect here in Texas.  However, before we move onto one of them, a stop at the coffee shop allows me to have a pumpkin scone!!!  It is the season.  I even truly splurged and had the pumpkin spice coffee.  Once per year is required.

Now, we are ready for the day.  Back to the new law.  As of today, the breweries are able to sell "Beer to Go" AND in a truly bizarre side story -- open at 10:00 a.m. on a Sunday to do so.  Yes, here in Texas you cannot buy hard liquor on Sundays at all.  Beer and wine in stores, but only after noon.  Read that again y'all.  We are now at Oak Highlands Brewery at 10:00 a.m. to break the chains for beer to go.  ALL breweries can now open AND serve at 10 a.m. on Sundays.  It's crazy, but true and we are not complaining.

We ARE, however, just beer nerdy enough to want to experience the moment. Thus, our true reason for being here.  It's not to drink beer at 10:00 a.m. (although we are), but it is to watch the moment take place.  As we enter the building, I take one last picture of the locked up cooler.  We have stared at this for several years now --- just waiting for today.