Wednesday, May 23, 2018

DMA - The Power of Gold

I am out grocery shopping and my nephew calls wondering if I would like to meet at the DMA and spend some time together.  Oh, absolutely.  Once this shopping is complete and things are put away, I am there.  I really need to get out of the house and have active conversation with someone.

Inside the door, I quickly walk up to the member's desk and get tickets for the recent exhibit:  The Power of Gold - Asante Royal Regalia from Ghana.  Bob is in the gift shop and after meeting up, into the exhibit we go.

The first part of the exhibit focuses on "goldweights."  According to the placard on the wall, "By the 17th century, Akan and Asante goldsmiths cast goldweights in the forms of humans, animals, plants, and various man-made objects.  Like some of the earlier geometric weights, representational goldweights were connected to proverbs and maxims.  For older figurative weights, many of their original associations have been forgotten.  Others have new meanings, as familiar proverbs differed among generations and geographic locations.  Adding to this complex visual communication, some proverbs carry multiple meanings.  In this display, figurative (representational) goldweights are grouped into several themes and time periods.  Broadly speaking, the human figure and animal subjects appear in goldweights starting in the 17th century.  Human figures range in age and activity.  Animals are equally diverse.  mammals, birds, fish, and insects are represented individually and in interactive groups."

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Family Day in Dallas

Jen called a couple of days ago to say that their exchange student, Leon, wanted a day of shopping in Dallas before he returns home this month.  That means a day of family for us.  Woot woot!!  We don't get to see this crew near often enough anymore.  They all have such busy lives.  It's land of the giants and a LOT of testosterone on the front porch.  Hello boys.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Red Hat Birthday Celebration

May is the birthday season for me.  It's also the birthday for our local chapter of Red Hatters, The Big D Re-Gals.  The chapter is Sweet Sixteen.  How fun.  As I'm sitting her noodling this post, I have come up with my own version of Ringo Starr's song You're Sixteen:  Cue the music -

You came on like a dream
Red, purple and bling
Shining like bright stars
You're sixteen, you're beautiful and you're ours

You're all glitter and hats
Giggles and chat
Lunches lasting for hours
You're sixteen, you're beautiful and you're ours.

You're our baby, you're our pet
We fell in love on the day we met
Cynthia started it all, we joined along
And now we are over twenty Re-Gals strong

You walked into our lives, full of surprise
Now our hats boxes tower
You're sixteen you're beautiful and you're ours. 

Sunday, May 13, 2018

College Graduation for Bob

I am leaving retreat super early this morning as my nephew is graduating from college in Dallas today.  That means I am beating the sun.  Yay!  Not.  We were up late last night enjoying the last night at Brazos until October.  It was a short night, for sure.

As I'm driving, the sun starts to rise.  I love these moments so very much.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Baby Blessing Bliss

It's EARLY on Saturday morning as I leave Rainbow, TX and the quilt retreat behind.  I am making a very fast trip to Utah and back for my new grandson's blessing.  As I drive, the sun is trying to rise but the clouds are super low, making a surreal landscape for me to journey through.