Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter in Temple

I was up and out of the house by 8 a.m. to get to the airport to pick up Cassie from work.  We came back to the house to check and see if Mister was feeling up to traveling down to Temple with us today. Nope -- my poor Mister is sick.  He wasn't even up to coloring eggs so Cassie and I did a quick dunk and made Easter Eggs.  This is probably the least amount of time spent coloring eggs ever.  We even left 6 in the cups for Mister to take out when he woke up.  Perhaps we would have a few really dark colors.

We then change clothes and get on the road to Temple.  Jen has invited us down for Easter dinner and to spend some time together.  Scott is stuck in Salt Lake at the airport trying any and all available flights to get back to Texas.

While we are driving Scott manages to get a flight to Long Beach.  At least he is out of Salt Lake and starting towards home.  From there, he will race and try to get a flight to Austin.

When we arrive at Jen's, the first thing I see is an Easter tree.  She said that she was keeping her tree up this year and decorating it for each holiday.  What a fun idea and dang if it doesn't solve the problem of where to store the tree.

Cass starts making her Better Than Sex cake and I am lazy and just visit with everyone.  It is always fun to get filled in on everything that everyone is up to and they are always willing to tell me stories.

Jon readies the table for dinner and I realize that I am starving.  I cannot wait for the yummy ham, pasta, corn, and fresh bread. It is all so good.

After dinner, Cassie drove into Austin to pick up Scott and I had the chance for a wonderful visit with Jen and Louis.  It is so nice to have these great conversations.  I miss them -- could be a sign that I need to improve my social life.  Finally, it appeared that the dishes were not going to hop off the table and wash themselves so we set to it and had everything cleaned up in no time.

When Cass returned, Scott helped Jen with some computer issues while Auntie channeled her inner child and started to play with her nephews.  I was watching for awhile and then couldn't resist and joined in as well for some giggles and fun.  Cass had a great time showing the kids how Gammy used to jump years ago.  Apparently I stuck my butt out a lot.

It was a great day and I cannot wait until next weekend to go down and spend time with them again.  By the time I picked up my car at the airport and drove home, it was midnight and I was surely ready for sleep.  My poor Mister does not feel much better.  So sad.

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