Monday, December 17, 2012

Iceland - Day 7 and home - Blue Lagoon

It is a sad day for us because we are headed home today, but it is also a day that I have been looking forward to since we got here because we get to go to the Blue Lagoon today.  After a quick breakfast and time spent tidying up the house, we pack up early and start the drive that will complete our trip around the island by arriving back in Reykjavik.  We want to be at the Blue Lagoon shortly after it opens to spend as much time there as possible before having to go to the airport and also to hopefully avoid any crowds that may gather as the day progresses.  It is only about an hour or so down to Reykjavik and the landscape has once again changed.  It has flattened out and we are along the coast of a fjord with farms dotting the landscape on both sides of us.

We discover that the route we have taken has a toll tunnel that goes under the fjord and when we exit -- Reykjavik!  We are back on the road taken the first night to watch the Aurora.  What an incredible journey this has been.

Next stop --- the Blue Lagoon.  (Please google this and read all about it.)  I am so excited as I am definitely a hot water lover and want to just bask in it and relax my entire body before a 7 1/2 hour flight back to Boston.

Mister has read about it ahead of time and knows about the secret entrance where we don't have to run around barefoot on icy ground between the locker room and the lagoon like we are watching everyone else do.  Yay Mister!  We go through the little pool entrance and are instantly in a covered area with speakers telling the story of the lagoon.  Excellent.

We wander the whole lagoon finding the waterfalls of hot water, the silica pots for masks, direct inlets of incredibly hot water, etc.  We cover our faces with a silica mask and continue to wander for the 20 minutes it needs to set and then go back to the waterfalls to wash it all off.  Yes!  Oh so nice.  We spend a couple of hours there, just floating, walking, and visiting with others.  It is so worth the trip.  I know that Icelandair flies to Europe from the U.S. via a layover in Reykjavik --- do this!  The Lagoon is only 20 minutes from the airport and definitely a great way to kill a couple of hours.

After we are dressed, we find the platform overlooking the lagoon to take a few pictures.  What a great last day we have had.

It is now back to Keflavik to refuel and  return the car.  Mister has finally mastered their gas pumps.

Alas, we are back at the airport after being delivered by the Blue Car Rental guy.  It only takes a few minutes to get our boarding passes and clear security -- love it.

We enter the main shopping area at the airport and take the time to make sure we have not missed any little thing here.  We had heard about a donut/sweet treat called Kleina that we had not yet had and so found one, sat down, and savored it.  It reminded me of a donut type treat that my grandmother used to make called Grebel.

We still needed a meal before our flight and so as usual Iceland delivered first class.  Smoked salmon, wine, eggs, etc.  Real dishes!  Not once on this trip have we had paper products and we stumped a lady when we wanted a bottle of water.  "Why would we want that?  The water here is so pure."  Oh my.  We simply wanted it in the car.

With full tummies, we went to the gate, received our boarding passes, and left Iceland with a determination to return again.  What a magnificent country -- one that we fell in love with and would recommend absolutely everyone to go to at least once.  When we landed in Boston we were faced with and incredibly slow customs, a mad dash to a different terminal, check-in at a kiosk, security, and run to the gate.  I barely had time for a quick potty stop and we boarded Jet Blue back to Dallas.  Whew.

It is no wonder that this was number one on Mister's bucket list.  This was such a great Christmas gift!

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