Sunday, March 9, 2014

Dallas Quilt Show

Upon waking this morning, I asked Mister if he would like to go to the Dallas Quilt Show with me.  It is my guild's show and I would love to go and check it out.  He readily agrees and off we go.  For the first time at a show, we start with the vendors.  It may prove to be a mistake, but we'll see.

I am always looking to learn new techniques (whether I ever use them or not) and spot this one where they sew a small piece of fabric on top of the blocks and then brush it with a steel brush to create a "chenille" strip.  Pretty cool.

We come across a booth that has featherweight light bulbs, yep need one of those.  Another booth has the seam ripper I bought a couple of years ago -- he has a stiletto point that fits my ripper -- yes, gotta have one of those.  I also find a couple of cute fabrics that are on clearance, so grab those to make a couple sewing machine covers for the machines that are always set up.

However, the bulk of our time is spent trying out various sit-down long arm machines.  Oh and the chairs.  Here are my favorites of the day:  This chair was incredibly comfortable and the Sweet Sixteen is my choice for machine as well.  Now -- will someone please give me five grand so that I can get one?  It would truly make me a happy girl.  Best part is that both the chair and the machine are in the same booth and the shop is really close to home for me.  Yay!

The day has really passed and after trying out six machines -- yep -- we were on a fact-finding mission -- we realize that the show is going to close soon and we have not even peeked at the quilts.  Time to go and stand in awe of other quilters ability.  I say that with all sincerity.  I truly am amazed at their creations.  However, the pictures that I take are ones of quilts that speak out to us and that perhaps we would like to try making.  Please enjoy the show.

Still searching for an Amish one to try.

Recycled shirts --- yes!

Close up:   Isn't it divine?

Not overly crazy about the border, but have been looking for a pattern that will use my tiny squares and still give me open area to practice more intricate quilting.

LOVE - a black/white/red is high on my list.

Okay this one --- way fun.  Mister and I have looked at using ties since we see them all the time at estate sales and thrift stores.  Well --- this one is entirely made of  them.  What a great layout.  I am especially fond of the border with all the little tags on it.

Check out the close up:  great!

Hst's galore.  I have stacks of these to use.

Mister is drooling over this one.  I think we have a solid crumb quilt in our future.

I have had so much fun and where on earth has the day gone.  The show is now closed -- we have spent all day here and are both starving.  It's time to find some food before heading home.

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