Saturday, February 24, 2024

Back in Dallas and FABULOUS Weather, So . . .

 Dallas weather is soooo beautiful today that we cannot stay in the house.  When at the airport in New York yesterday, I was craving a donut and do you think I could find one?  So sad.  By the time I gave up the hunt, Mister wanted one, too.  He was as sad as me.  So . . . first thing this morning, he is off to find donuts and we even visit two places to test taste.  So funny.

Down to Pelican Point and are rewarded with some beauty.  Ahhhh.  I do so love the pelicans.

A pair of Canadian Geese -- not seen often in this area.

And - a person in a kayak that sends them on their way.  I was so lucky --- great pics.

Hiding in the shallows - a Mallard pair.  It's nesting season.

The Coots -

A lone turtle - 

And just a pretty lake.  That's all folks.

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