Saturday, November 23, 2013

Bigfork Bound -- Time With Mom

At the last minute, I decide to try and run up to see Mom for a few days.  I have to take the first flight out of Dallas as it has seats on it, but since there is only one flight per day on United into Kalispell from Denver, I am stuck in Denver for 10 hours.  Can you say fun?  I call Mister, asking him to find me a cozy hideaway somewhere, and he comes through.  Upstairs I go and find a little hidden area that I can spread out a blanket or two and make a "nest".  It works and I spend the 10 hours reading, playing games on my phone, and messing on Facebook.  I definitely should be sewing as I have my hand-quilting with me, but lack motivation.

I arrive in Kalispell at almost 11:00 at night.  Goodness but this has been a long day.  Sis and Joe pick me up and soon I am delivered down at Mom's.  We visit for a short time, but I am beat and ready for some sleep.

I do not take many pictures while at Mom's -- who knows why.  I seem to have totally lost my mind and the camera went with it.  I didn't get a picture of the two of us together even.  Ugh.

At one point I do grab my camera though as Mom's dog, Bailey, is just oh so cute.  He brings me the ball continuously and then sits up on his hind paws and begs for me to throw it.  He will sit this way for quite awhile if I do not respond instantly.  Then he will start barking at me to get my attention.

Mom and I take Bailey to the groomer and I am able to find a wonderful little quilt shop.  Must come back.  Their prices are incredible and batiks are gorgeous.  With a new quilt requiring batiks coming up in January -- well as I said, must return.

Becky has come down to Sis's with the kids and we stop for a visit the next day.  Wyatt is napping but Scarlett is up and playing.  I try and try to get a good pic of her, but absolutely cannot catch a smile.  Such is life.

The next day, we meet Sis, Becky, and kids at the Echo Lake Cafe for lunch and have a really nice time followed by a stop at a children's consignment store that is going out of business.  It is great timing allowing Becky and Sis to pick up quite a few needed items for Wyatt, Scarlett, and baby number 3.

I ask Mom if we can stop at the quilt shop and she says yes so we zip on over there.  We arrive and I go to use my phone to retrieve an email.  It won't work.  What?  Horrid memories of it breaking in Cheyenne return and I try to remain calm.  Think.  I figure out how to remove the back and take out the battery for a minute, put it back in and we have power.  Yay!  We go into the store and I once again try to get the email containing my supply list and now I cannot get internet.  Are you kidding me?  We have to leave the store, drive down the road a bit to get a signal, find the email and open the attachment, leaving it on my phone.  Back to the store we go.  I finally get to pick out my fabrics and I wish again for about the umpteenth time in my life that Mom liked to sew too.  It would be something fun we could share.  She has a machine and plenty of time.  I don't think it is too late to learn, do you?

The next day is my last one and Mom is cooking dinner for Sis and Joe as well.  She has to run into town and pick up a few things and I stay behind to take a shower and pack as I have an early flight tomorrow.  Well, that is my intention anyway.  My body has different plans though and I spend the afternoon/early evening in agony with intestinal issues.  Mom goes back up to the store to get me some root beer and I take up residency on the loveseat.  Upon finishing my root beer, things are a bit better and I watch as Bailey steals the empty bottle.  He has such a good time playing with it, although Mom is worried the entire time.

Sis and Joe come down and we visit for awhile over dinner.  I can't eat much, but sit and spend time together.  (Again -- where is my camera?).

It is a shaky evening for me -- just don't feel well and don't sleep well either.  The early morning arrives quickly and we are soon loaded into Mom's car and picking up Sis and Joe for the drive into Kalispell.  My flights go well (I was not sure) and I am back in Dallas by 1:00.  Breathe.

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