Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Helping Out in Temple

Louis and Jen decided to take a train trip up to Chicago for Jen's birthday and so we went down to Temple to watch the grands while they were away.  When we have the opportunity to do this I am always reminded of what a supermom my daughter is.  Once upon a time I ran with 5 children from dawn to dusk as well, but those days are far behind me.  Whew!  The older I get, I am amazed at the stamina reduction taking place.  Let's just say I slept well this week.

So let's get going with the few pictures we stopped moving long enough to take.  That in itself is a statement to how busy we were.  I am not sure if Josh is unhappy here or just thoughtful.  At any rate, Mister likes to catch the boys when they are not paying attention.  Jacob is simply watching someone else quietly.

Soccer games!! Yep -- they were on the schedule!  We loaded everyone up and were off to watch Bekah.

Josh had his own little chair and was quite comfortable playing and talking with Grandpa.

Trying to get good action shots is always a challenge in a game.  Bekah is a fun player to watch and is definitely an asset to her team.


In between Bekah's games, we had Jacob on the field as well.  He, too, is a great little player and we really enjoyed watching him.

Back on the field with Bekah once again.

In addition to games, we were kept busy preparing Halloween costumes.  Mister (Grandpa) and Jon spent quite a bit of time making this robot costume and rigging it so that the lights worked as well.  I loved it.

Days at school were also themed each day for costuming.  Bekah wanted to really do the "Nerd Day" up and so we went to work on her.  It took awhile and little creativity, but the overall effect was dang good.  Check out the final effort below.

We had a great time with our grands this week.  Not sure just where the camera or Jared were hiding but at least we have these few shots.  We'll have to try harder next time.

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