Saturday, November 20, 2010

Up To Billings

Another quick trip up to Montana always provides me with treasure time with my grands and my own children.  Being so far away all the time makes me look forward to these trips with a smile on my face from the minute they are booked.  I am so thankful for my ability to fly stand-by due to the amazing endurance of my son in working two jobs.  It is such a blessing to me.

Miss Zyra and Miss Elena hanging at Matt's house.  We were able to read books, play, eat, play, and giggle for hours.  Well, at least until the computer comes out and then it is all eyes on the screen.  Seriously --- not a single eye is wandering.

It was time to go to Rhiana's for the second night of my stay.  Bundling up Elena, we were on our way.

I had a great visit with Rhiana and stayed up way too late.

The next morning, we had snow and I had time with Elena.  What a little joy.

A new outfit from Grandpa and Gammy.  She loves it.  Can't you tell?

These trips always end way too soon, but it won't be long before I go back again.

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