Monday, November 29, 2010

Changing of the Seasons

When I first moved to Dallas, I certainly didn't expect fall colors.  I mean, after all, this is a city right?  Well, I was so wrong.  The colors in the fall here are astounding and this is just in my own yard alone.  Take a look.

We are resplendent in greens, oranges, and reds.  Standing on the porch or looking out the windows brings a smile to my face each and every day right now.

We have an oak tree in the backyard that is providing most of the color seen here.  It is also dropping acorns at an astronomical rate.  I so wish I could come up with something to do with the dang things.  It seems like such a waste, but everything I read involves a great amount of work and lots of boiling.  Would love to be able to just crack them open and roast them.

Cooler weather also brings a certain vitality to the plants in the yard.  They are perking up after surviving the intense heat of summer and are adding to the wonderful flavors produced in the kitchen by Mister.  Yummy.

Yes, it is the end of November and so time to get the house ready for the holidays.  This part does seem odd to me, as it doesn't seem like winter outside and seeing snow is rare, but one can always hope, right?

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