Thursday, April 15, 2010

Billings - Two Days

I am up to Billings for a couple of days and cannot wait to see my little ones.  First stop is at Rhiana's to say hi to Miss Elena.  I cannot believe how quickly she is growing and my heart hurts to be so far away from it all.

She is so sweet and I get to hold her until she falls asleep.  Bliss.  Now I have to go to work for awhile.

It is day two and I did not take near enough pictures yesterday.  Drat.  This morning I am being treated with "what we can do" moments.  I love this time so very much.

Uh oh, Mommy left her purse available and I watch as Missy thinks she needs to be made up as well.  Oh this one is definitely going to be "all girl."

I get a little bit of time after work to spend at Matt's with Master Hyrum.  Oh these kids and how quick they are growing.  Sigh.  What a cutie!  I LOVE that he knows who I am and is excited to see me.  Becca said he watched out the window until I arrived.  OH, melt my heart now.

The days here have just flown by and it is time to leave again.  Ugh.  I'll be back soon though --- cannot get enough of these little ones.

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