Saturday, December 26, 2009

A White Christmas In Texas - Home with Cass and Scott

 After my return from Ohio, we finally were able to decorate our own home for Christmas and get the tree up.  I so love this time and the tree is so beautiful with all the silver balls, icicles, and the pewter and ceramic ornaments.  All white lights finish the look and I love to spend many hours just sitting in the living room and enjoying it.  We finished up our shopping for each other, mostly by crossing our fingers each day that what we had ordered online would arrive -- kinda funny.  Next on the agenda was to get ready for Cass and Scott to arrive for a week of fun with us, culminating in our Christmas celebration before they would have to head back home.  They were driving and so ---- no airport run for the first time.  Strange.  
They arrived on the Saturday evening before Christmas and we enjoyed our time together -- much was spent talking, sleeping, cooking (yes, more than going out this time), and a few activities.  We made a trip to the mall -- of course -- which brought smiles all around at the pond.

If you are wondering just what we are laughing about, well there is a pond with turtles and ducks inside the mall.  There are rocks and a heat lamp in the center of the pond and today ALL the animals were just putting on a show.   One duck had decided that a turtle was a great place to hitch a ride and was firmly standing on its shell as it moved along.  Several other turtles had their legs extended fully out and were just basking in the heat of the lamp -- they just looked so funny.

 Mornings were laid back, full of steamers and quite enjoyable.  Making plans for each day was part of the fun and we tried not to make things too structured.  Working together in the kitchen was fun and the salmon pastries were scrumptious.

On an absolutely beautiful night, we took a carriage ride through Highland Park to see the homes all lit up for the holidays.  Romantic -- best word for it.

Cass and Scott had decided to make a quilt out of old jeans as their gift to each other while they were here and many hours were spent cutting out squares, laying out a pattern, sewing strips, ironing, and finally making a quilt top.  They worked really hard on it out in my sewing center surrounded by all of our plants since it was freezing outside now.

Free moments were spent wrapping gifts and making Christmas cookies -- traditional activities of course!  Dinner was Tomato Bisque per another tradition and enjoyed by all.

CHRISTMAS MORNING!!!  A WHITE CHRISTMAS IN TEXAS!!  What could be more magical?  It was the first one in over 80 years --- Everyone was pretty excited.

Naturally Christmas morning means stockings and so we made sure that Scott and Cass had filled ones and we exchanged ours as well --- no pic of Lady -- it was morning and she looked awful, lol.  Doesn't Mister look good in his new hat?  I love it. 

After getting showered and dressed, we made a trip up to Grapevine to see Mister's family for awhile and exchange gifts.  I was able to meet new people as well and that is always fun.

Christmas isn't complete without dinner now is it?  We all worked together and magic happened and we enjoyed a wonderful meal together before they had to pack up the next day and head back to Utah.  It was a great week and we look forward to another opportunity to get together.

On their way home, they fought snow storms (in TEXAS) and then Cass wound up with food poisoning and spent a night in the Denver hospital --- wow --- we felt so bad for them, but were thankful that we had had our time together.  Love ya both.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas continues -- Ohio

From Montana I was off to Ohio for my every other month visit with Amanda and all of her "boys". I am able to be Gammy on Fridays while both Amanda and Trent work and look forward to it each trip. This time we didn't do the normal "kid" stops, but went shopping as I had a long list and a short amount of time to put everything together. First stop, the mall. The boys were so cute as we wandered around looking for a place to get something to eat. They spotted Santa and slowly started walking his way -- I just stayed back and watched and they went right up to him and sat on his lap, gave their required requests, had a picture, and picked out their treats. Amanda later told me that they had never been to Santa before and she was surprised that it went so well -- what can I say -- Gammy magic.
After seeing Santa, we were still on the prowl for a place to grab a quick and easy lunch and found pretzel dogs. They boys decided to split one in case they didn't like it and a slushy to go along. Well, they liked it and so Raef got to take the money up to the counter all alone and order another one and bring it back and they shared it as well. Was fun and they were such a delight.

We also went to several other stores and I managed to finish shopping for their family right under the boys eyes including Raef's birthday present for next month. It was almost too funny as I wheeled around a cart full of toys at Toys R Us and they paid absolutely no attention to what was in it --- they were pretty excited about picking out a new movie and were a little distracted if the truth be told -- okay okay -- bribery works. When I was done shopping -- we headed back home and wrapped all the gifts -- yes even the ones for them -- and still no clue. BUT, once they were wrapped, well then they determined that they must be unwrapped the minute that mom and dad get home. I laughed and agreed. (Amanda's gift had arrived that morning and I had quickly answered the door and hid it up in my room. Perfect timing.) So --- the boys just couldn't stand it and got to go first of course. I love that
they called the "Diegos".

Then Mom and Dad got their turns and I think both the mixer and the steamer machine were big hits. There were smiles all around anyway.  We then had to get everyone organized and head to a church activity in which Amanda and Trent were playing the roles of Mary and Joseph. Don't they look quiet and dignified? Well, there was this brief moment when the "Star" appeared and it was a disco ball -- Trent broke a little and rolled his eyes. I loved it. Then we were treated to Amanda and her beautiful voice. I tried to video it, but it was pretty dark in there --- so please just enjoy the sound bite -- She is amazing.

Once we got home and the boys went to bed, it was time to play with the new toys. Steamers all around and comments like "it tastes just like it should". Was fun to watch and the next day we made breakfast treats with the mixer. Such a good time and it always goes by so fast. There was time out with the boys and Amanda on Saturday and dinner out of course. Can't wait for the next trip at the end of January. Merry Christmas.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Birthday Time/Christmas Starts - Montana

When we arrived back at Jen's house, she decided that she would continue on to Montana with me since it was going to be her brother's birthday party and so after a quick drop off of some bags, off we went again for another 5 hours. Oh my --- what a great group of kids as I was tired of being in the car and knew they had to be. A quick call prepared Matt and Becca for extra company and plans were made for the party. When I first got to town, I had to go to work and met Rhiana, Kyle, Elena, Becca, and Hyrum for lunch while Jen went to see Louis' family. While in the car, I snapped this picture of Elena --- now tell me she doesn't look lilke cousin Ryan --- its shocking.

Then, birthday time and perhaps an early Christmas present or two. We started with Josh's birthday a little late as we were having it while on the road. He was so cute with the gifts, insisting on handing me each paper as he tore it off even though I was trying to take pictures. We had gotten him a new bike and managed to get a pic of both him and Hyrum on those bikes --- too cute.

I managed to sneak in some "girl time" for pictures and that's no easy feat with all these boys around all the time. (Seven grandsons -- two granddaughters, but we're making a comeback this spring when Zyra gets here).

Becca cooked a wonderful dinner and then it was Matt's turn to be the focus of everyone's attention. I had a little surprise planned and so presented him with three boxes for his birthday. They were components for a new computer and I promised him that I had kept in the family birthday budget. I had a printer (a package freebie, lol), keyboard/mouse, and speakers, He was bewildered and asked if I was making a point that he needed to buy a computer (YES --- his was AWFUL and actually an old hand-me-down of my first computer). Then Jen got into the act and gave him a router and he just laughed.

After he opened the gifts from everyone else and when things were quiet, I said that I had also brought Christmas early and if Becca wanted to open her gift, I would give them to them now. Matt said no, but Becca (knowing what it was since she had been hiding the boxes at the house as they arrived) overruled and I went to get the last two packages.

It was the monitor and the laptop! They were pretty excited and it was such fun to play Santa from Mister and me. So, Christmas has begun and the giving is by far the best part. I decided to add a couple of videos here --- one of Miss Elena just started to get the idea of crawling and one of Uncle Matt playing a card trick on the kids --- he stumps Rhiana too --- LOL.