Sunday, January 28, 2018

Museum Time at the DMA

It seems as though we have been hibernating the ENTIRE month.  Neither of us has wanted to even risk a bit of the flu/crud that has been going around.  However, today we are breaking out of that mold and attempting to have some fun in the sun.  Well a wee bit outdoor but fun nevertheless. 

The DMA has an exhibit that is about to close and Mister is very interested in it.  That means a trek downtown is in order and after some yummy coffee that is just what we do.  We have a few moments before the museum opens and I wander over to some sculptures for an up close and personal moment.  What do you think of this one?

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Red Hat New Year

We are almost two weeks into the New Year.  Really?  How did that happen?  I think I've left the house once or twice, but for the most part we have just stayed home and tried to avoid the onslaught of flu that is ravaging our area.  I was supposed to attend a 3-day event this weekend but the scare of catching something really scared me away.  I know that makes me sound super old, but it is what it is.  The Red Hat January lunch is also today and I will venture out for a couple of hours, keep my hands close to me and clean at all times, and enjoy a bit of time with these zany ladies.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year!!

From us, in Dallas, TX, to you, wherever you may be.  We all have a new, clean slate ahead of us - let's fill it up in awesome ways and build memories along our journey.