Monday, August 22, 2011

Family Reunion - Surfside Beach, Texas

For the reunion this year, Mister and I found a wonderful house right on the beach in Surfside, Texas.  It had seven bedrooms and was perfect for all 24 of us.  The beach sloped right from the front deck out into the warm Gulf and had such a gradual depth change for everyone to easily enjoy.

Travel for all was by air and car and everyone met up in Freeport for a great lunch at Baytown Seafood.  The food was amazing and the service even better.  They were able to accommodate our large party and it was fun to watch everyone re-connect.  Then we were off to the house to unload everything and get set-up.  It was work time!

It did not take long for cousins to get together playing and for people to change clothes and get into the ocean to have some fun.

The absolute best part of these trips is watching the little ones together.  They all love their time with "cousins" and look forward to it each year.

This year I was the oldest (as usual) and Master Caleb was the youngest member of the family.  Elena is welcoming him in style here.

Some of the most memorable times are around meals when everyone is together at the same time.  Amanda had worked out a kaper chart with chores and so we all took our turns cooking and cleaning and no one person felt overwhelmed.

I especially love the times where I get to visit with each of my children, their spouses, and the grands.  I live so far away that it is such a treat for me and one I always treasure.

Seeing moments where people are relaxed and just enjoying each other and the romantic moments that a beach (and grandparents watching little ones) provides are extra special.  Capturing those moments reminds us to always look for them and continue making more.

Evenings are spent playing games and laughing with each other.  Why is it that Amanda always seems to have her hair in a towel?  Hmmn.

Cards are a family favorite and the games can get quite competitive.  We also can be loud and when some people are trying to sleep -- well I guess it can be bothersome.

I have the cutest grands in the whole world.  Anyone care to argue with me on that one?  I thought not.

For the most part everyone gets along so great and shares nicely.  Oh sure, we have our squabbles, but overall times are amazing. Aunt Jenny had brought a tub full of toys which helped out during the hot hours each day.

For me, watching and working with my kids in the kitchen is just oh so fun.  It takes me back to some great holidays while they were growing up.  Now, having a grandaughter and a daughter-in-law helping makes it extra special.

It was Italian night -- oh yum.  Spaghetti, salad, and bread.  Isn't this such a nice big kitchen?

Aunt Becca and Elena -- cute shot.

The next day was all about beach!  Umbrellas went up, sand toys went out, and we had a blast.  The sand castle contest was under way.

Becca and Zyra -- for some reason Zyra kept rubbing her eyes with the salty water and sand.  She was a trooper and loved the water though.

Ah, yes, the sandcastles are finished.  Creativity at it's finest.

As the afternoon heated up, Gammy (that's me) to the rescue with a couple of new movies and planned crafts.  Here my grandsons are all lined up quietly.  A rare moment.

Before leaving Dallas, Cass and I had baked dozens of sugar cookies and made frosting for an afternoon activity for the kids.  I'm not sure who wanted to do it more - looks like perhaps Cass, Jen and I.

The boys did have fun and it was great to watch parents jump in and help out.  Aunt Cassie was always there too -- enjoying her time with nieces and nephews that she doesn't get to see very often.

Grandpa (Mister) took out the stunt kite and the oldest grands and some of the kids took a try at it.  Amanda loved it and so we will remember that in the future for a gift.  Jonathan was also pretty adept at it.

Cassie had spent time preparing a night of entertainment with her version of Minute To Win It.  As I said it is an incredibly competitive family and yet the laughs were everywhere.

At one point Rebekah commented that, "this is the best family ever" and warmed my heart.  Any pre-teen that thinks that means we are doing something right.

She was partnered with her mom and in their first round went up against Rhiana and Kyle pulling tissues from a box one at a time with one hand behind their back.  I don't remember who won.

Aunt Rhiana feeds Caleb and watches on while Kyle's task is to stack cans at an angle.  I think she is enjoying the show.

There are tasks that require blowing feathers in the air, stacking ding dongs, and fishing.

The mass wiggling of bums to get ping pong balls out of the now empty kleenex boxes was hysterical to watch.  Way too fun.

One required putting an oreo on your forehead and getting it into your mouth using only facial muscles.  Now seriously, is this not the best picture ever?  I just know that Cass will love me for posting this one.

Amanda won the one where you had to unwrap a roll of crepe paper as fast as possible.  Doesn't she look amazing?

It was such a fun night.  Soon, the sun was down and it was time for our night swims and crab hunting.  All the kids were in bed and the beach was beautiful and beckoning.  Warm water and great relaxation before bed.  I wish this was out my door every evening.

Mister got up early the next day to see the sunrise on the beach.  I watched from the deck and it was magnificent.

Another day in the sand and water.  It was perfect!  We could not have asked for better weather.

We spend so much money on toys for kids and all they really needed were sticks and buckets.

This day's craft project was to stamp pillowcases that the kids could take home to remember their family trip.  Once again parents helped out during the hot afternoon and everyone walked away with a finished project.

Shirts were taken off so that they didn't get ruined with the ink and Miss Zyra was so contemplative that Mister had to get a photo.

I loved watching the boys draw and create what they remembered the most about the beach.  Look how serious they are about it.

Bekah was determined to get her perfectly straight and worked diligently on it.

Grandpa had bought a huge book of paper airplanes for the boys to build and Hyrum was so proud of his.  He instantly posed for a picture with it.

As everyone finished, it was quiet time again with a second movie that was somehow in my suitcase.

I asked Mister to take some pictures of the kids and their families for me.  What a treat!  I never know when I will get these opportunities to have everyone together and so I like to take advantage as much as possible.  I'll just let the pics speak for themselves.

Rhiana's family.

Jen's family.

Amanda's Family

Matt's Family

Cass and Scott

I had asked for a picture of my 5 beautiful children.  I was not there for this picture, but was told that it was quite funny as they were getting ready to make mom happy.

And happy I indeed was as this is the finished project and I have a framed one hanging on the wall in my home as a gift from Mister.  Lucky me.

I'll leave this post with one last shot -- Miss Elena thoroughly enjoying her time in the water.  The beach will be missed by all.

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