Sunday, September 23, 2012

San Francisco / Napa / Sonoma

As we were driving to Austin, last weekend, I asked Mister if he felt like he could do a spontaneous trip and gave him the weekend to think about it.  When we returned on Saturday, I asked again and he said sure, so we rapidly put together a trip to San Francisco and the Napa/Sonoma Valleys. I had read that they were in the middle of their grape harvest and it was going to be a good year.  I have always wanted to watch the process and so with some emails fired off quickly, we arranged some tours, booked a couple of hotels and headed to the airport 3 days later.  Exciting!

Tuesday:  We fly Virgin America airlines for the first time.  We are greeted warmly at the counter and are told that we will not have any problems getting a seat as the plane is only 1/2 full.  Yay!  After boarding, we settle in and I take a nap.  Upon waking, I discover an electronic Mahjong game as one of the entertainment choices on the headrest computer that is at every seat.  Cool, I am good for the remainder of the flight.  We arrive in San Francisco and take a cab just a few miles away to pick up our rental car.  From there, we head for Napa, get lost a few times, and manage to get stuck in traffic that is absolutely unbelievable.  I will NEVER complain about the traffic in Dallas ever again -- I do not know how people cope with going 12 miles in an hour - I know that I am not coping well and some horrid person has inhabited my body -- my poor Mister.  We are routed over the Bay Bridge which is about the only good part of this drive.  It takes us 3 hours to travel the distance we should have gone in 1 hour, but we arrive and check into our hotel.  After dropping off our luggage, we are off to locate some food which we are both in dire need of.  We find a place off the main road called Fume Bistro and Bar. Mostly locals, which is fine with us, so we sit back and enjoy a nice meal before returning to the hotel for some much needed sleep.

Wednesday:  We wake early and point the car in the direction of Yountville, a quaint little town north of Napa.  We stop at a group of old train cars that have been turned into a coffee shop, The Yountville Coffee Caboose. Sitting outside in the brisk morning air, we enjoy crepes, coffee, and hot chocolate.  We are treated to watching hummingbirds, looking at beautiful flowers, and watching the locals start their day.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Back in Austin

First let me say -- I Love Austin!!  I think that it is one of the places that we go and it never gets old and is always just such a nice time.  Now, why are we here this time?  Well, Cassie is down here working at the Austin Airport and so we combined a stop in Temple to help Jen with parent/teacher conferences and then spend some time with Cass.  We drove down to Austin after finishing up with Jen and checked into our hotel, while thinking that Cass's hotel was right across the parking lot.  The next morning we get up and find a funky coffee shop called Summermoon Wood Fired Coffee for Mister and then as we are heading downtown, we come across a banner for the "Capital of Texas Quiltfest".  I cannot resist when Mister says we should go.  We spend 3 hours there - where does the time go?  I am once again motivated to start quilting this Fall when we settle down from traveling.  We find so many cool quilts and critique them as if we are the judges -- I have fun and Mister is wonderful as usual.  We come across an iron and a "magic" foot for my sewing machine that I just have to own and so we order them and am looking forward to arrivals in October.  From there, we head to Hops & Grains, a local brewery.  As we are walking in, I spot the East Side Glass Studio and peek in to find some beautiful pieces of art and meet Leigh and Shara, the artists themselves.  They tell us that they will be blowing glass in just a short time so we decide to stop back in after Hops and Grains.  It is a cool little brewery and we are lucky enough to find a spot at the bar where we can talk with the brewers and learn their history.

As we are there, one tour group after another stops in and the place is totally packed with standing room only many times.  There is a vendor outside the door that is selling brats and so I go out and order one for us to share.  It is very good.  As we pass the glass shop, we stop in and watch for a few minutes and talk with the girls.  Their work is really good -- would like to get a piece sometime.

From there, we head to where we "think" Cassie's hotel is only to discover that it is a few miles down the road so we pick her up late --oh well.  We drive downtown to walk around for a little while and show her around and grab dinner at Piranha Killer Sushi -- which is WONDERFUL!  When we finish with our order, Mister tells the Chef to make us one of his choice.  I'll let the picture speak for itself.

Soooo fun.  We walk down the street to the Congress Bridge and watch the bats take flight at dusk.  No matter how many times I see this, I love it each and every time.  We end the night by walking over to  Chez Nous for a little French dessert.  We share the Crepe Normande and Creme Caramel -- oh my, how do the French stay even remotely slim?  So very good.  The night comes to an end and we drop Cass off at her hotel and head to ours for some needed sleep. What an eclectic night! 

The next day, we find another funky little coffee shop located in front of a little garden shop so we sit outside on the patio enjoying our drinks and breakfast.  From there we go to the Bob Bullock Texas State Museum to discover that the film I want to see isn't for several hours and in our old age, we have forgotten that we have already been to the Museum itself.  Ugh.  We go to the Whip In Parlour Cafe -- which used to be a Quick-Trip , but is now a wine bar, restaurant, and Namaste Brewery.

We sit at the bar and are entertained by the bartender as he converses with co-workers and locals.  We then drive to the north end of the city for a BBQ hosted by Adelbert's Brewing and after tasting their product and gathering some freebies,

we head North and stop at BlackStar Brewery and Co-op. A quick drink there and we grab one of their growlers and are on the road to Dallas.  Absolutely love Austin.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Soccer time - Fall is here!

We drove over to Arlington to meet up with Jen, Jacob, Josh, and Bekah for a soccer tournament for Bekah.  She is really becoming such a great player and it was fun to watch her.  We meet up with Scott and Cass for lunch at OTB -- (kinda made an oath not to ever go there again) and enjoyed our time together.  Bekah's team won their game and would be playing again the next morning.  We drove back over the next day to watch again (AND to deliver Jen's laptop that we forgot the day before - smack forehead) but the team was not as successful and so the tourney came to an end for her.  Cass and Scott came over to the game again that morning and so the cheerleading section was in full force.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Lakewood Brewing

We are trying to check out the local breweries that are popping up in the Dallas area with a regular frequency.  Next up, Lakewood Brewing.  It is a Saturday morning and they are doing a tasting/tour complete with band and food truck.  We sit and visit with a couple of older gentlemen (yes, it is possible to find people older than us) and get to try their new brew - The Temptress.  We snagged a couple of tulip glasses (one of the few shapes we didn't have) and enjoyed our time there.