Monday, January 18, 2010

Off to St. Louis -- (smile smile)

Mister and I had decided to only give each other stocking gifts for Christmas and then take a trip afterwards.  He had booked a sleeper car on Amtrak and we left Dallas and were off to St. Louis --- I was so excited as I had never been there before and he said it had been 30 years since he had.  Our cabin was perfect and we settled in for the evening.

We arrived in St. Louis early in the morning and took the transit rail towards Delmar Loop where our hotel was hoping for an early check-in.  We were lucky and I found out that Mister had gotten us the "Shelley Winters" suite.  It was beautiful and we were certainly spoiled.

After dropping off our things, we were off to check out the city.  The weather wasn't all that great, but we were hopeful that it wouldn't last the whole weekend.  We rode the trains, took cabs, and walked, never seeming to have any trouble finding our way around.  The first evening found us checking out a couple of micro-brews, shopping in a little boutique (I got a new purse!!!), and finding the most wonderful little romantic spot all based on chocolate.  At around 10 that evening we headed to the City Museum which opened late on Friday nights for adults and for two hours you could wander and play with the aid of a little tiny flashlight only --- no lights.  A must see for anyone going to St. Louis.  I don't have any pictures of the cave (it was DARK) but at one point we wandered through it and climbed 7 stories to ride a slide back down.  Add in the climbing we did outside and after two hours, we were exhausted --- and very sore for a couple of days, lol.  This was truly one of the greatest times I have ever had --- I have talked about it time and time again since we returned.


We slept in a little the next day -- go figure huh.  Our hotel was right on Delmar Loop and that day the entire street was having an ice festival and so we were able to explore the shops and take in the festival atmosphere.  From ice slides, ice putting greens, ice sculptures in front of each shop and ice games for kids at all the stores to various street acts and music, it was festive indeed.  

After spending the morning there and enjoying a Thai lunch, we headed for other parts of the city.  Next stop was the Cathedral Basilica and all I can say about that is "Oh My Gosh!"  I have been in some of the most beautiful religious buildings, but this was beyond anything that I had ever seen.  The ENTIRE place was done in mosaic pictures -- tiny tiles that showed absolute detail and beauty.  They didn't leave any space untouched and the walls, ceiling, pillars, etc. showed that beauty in abundance.  We both stood in awe.

We wandered down to the waterfront that night for a stop at another micro brew and then off for dinner and the end of the day.  After last nights late night, we were beat.  The next day the sun was shining.  YEAH!! We had waited to do the Gateway Arch hoping that we would actually be able to see the city from it.  We quickly headed down there, even forgoing breakfast and walked the grounds and got out tickets, picked up some hot cocoa, and visited the museum that is below the monument.  As you can tell, we had a bit of a wait, but it was oh so worth it.  This was one of the most incredible views for me and I was still in shock that I could even go up in the arch.  That was news to me.  Mister and I took the time from the top of the arch to call Raef and sing happy birthday to him as we looked out over the city.  What a great memory.



We grabbed some lunch after that and started the journeys back to the hotel to gather things and head for Amtrak for our trip back.  What a great trip --- we had a ton of fun and some quality time together.  A super Christmas gift!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Christmas Ends -- Kyle and Rhiana visit - welcome 2010

Rhiana and Kyle came to visit for 5 days to help us end our Christmas holiday celebration.  Miss Elena was only in the house a short time when Gammy's bowls once again were discovered by another little one.  Doesn't that look just say it all?  "I'm too cute to be doing anything wrong here."

We had a great time together and once again spent more time at home enjoying visiting and cooking together. We even let the kids get away for a night out with a free babysitter and they hit the clubs in town for a change of pace.  It was supposed to be a break -- well as much of a break as you can get with an eight month old around.  She was a pure delight though and never lacked for someone to talk to her, play with her, or cuddle.  Mister had such a good time taking pictures of her --- he did a complete photo shoot it seems like -- has probably 75 pictures of her and some are absolutely amazing shots.  Choosing which ones to put in here was the hard part and I'm sure I picked too many, but I love them all.

We did find time to go out to dinner, shop at the mall (of course), and make a return trip up to the silos for a climbing repeat.   It was great -- last time it was 100 degrees in the silo and they sweat themselves to death while loving every minute of it -- this time it was "see your breath" cold in there and the trip didn't last quite as long but we think they had a good time anyway.

I had gotten some Discovery Toys before Christmas and bought duplicates of some of them to have at the house for "visitors" and so soon they were all over the house, but the tables and Gammy's baskets and bowls were way more fun.  There were times though when the toys were put to good use --- Rhiana and Kyle made competitions out of them which often times resulted in one person or the other having to do a physical punishment.  Elena and I sat in the chair and watched her dad take his lumps.

Getting time to visit was the best though.

We had the chance to have some great talks and get to know each other even better.  Feeding time was always good as we tried to keep it quiet and perhaps we could get a few minute nap out of Miss.

It wasn't always to be --- she sure is a little ball of fire.

Bath time turned out to be quite fun as well -- new toys and Mister always there taking pics --- he has a "pink sequence" that he is working at putting finishing touches on that is sooooo good.  Here are just a few pictures from the "pink" ones.  We are working on kissing.


Here's Miss in her "Elena" shirt --- see the giant E?

Watch the look here --- What's this?

Oh I think I like it.


Are there more of them?

As with all good things --- it has to end sooner or later.  Our moments like this would have to wait for another day but the memories would last forever.  


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Misters Mom's Birthday/New Year Party

We made a trip down to Arlington to celebrate Mom's birthday with the whole family.  Getting together for these events is always fun and we enjoy the opportunities they present.  A yule log seems fitting for a birthday right around Christmas and doesn't it just look beautiful?  Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves for lunch, dessert, and a football game playing in the background.  Rockin' was the only one who didn't seem real impressed with everything that was going on.

From there, we headed home to prepare for a New Years Party we were having for people that we used to work with.  So off we went to make mountains of homemade macaroni and cheese (lol) and bake a ham.  It was a good time and fun to get together with friends that we hadn't seen for awhile.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year -- And he's off -- BRRRRR


 After a fun-filled New Years Eve at Gigi's (which even saw Mister dance -- and since he wasn't drinking due to the ride today -- did it sober -- very cool), we went to McKinney and spent the night at a hotel there so that we wouldn't have quite so far to go the next morning.  It was 26 degrees when we woke and Mister poked his head out the door -- but he was determined.  It really was pretty though with the sun shining and and I was surprised at the number of people who showed up to start the year out with a ride.  While he pedaled away, I slept in the sunshine after visiting with some of the local people in that small town.  Pretty nice.

2009 - Year in Review

Hmmmn.  Where to start?  I want to end each year with a review post highlighting the wonderful moments of the previous months.  Since this is the first one, I'm not real sure how to go about that but will give it a trial run and make corrections next year if need be.

The year (prior to the blog) saw me still commuting back and forth between TX and MT to work and finish up details with the business in Billings.  Additionally, I experienced my first ice storms, found the perfect cinnamon roll recipe, and made friends here in TX.  Life was still in flux for me, but I was making the steps necessary to start over and starting to recuperate.  Treatment was pretty  much behind me, and I found an amazing friend in Mister so that when my divorce was final in March, he asked to see where a relationship together would go.  I let it go to Montana - up to Bigfork to meet my mom.  The rest of the spring was spent falling in love with the Dallas Arboretum, still going back and forth to Billings, and container herb gardening along with working at MedQ.  I did manage to make a trip to Ohio to spend some time with Amanda and her boys and Mom came to visit Dallas over Easter.  At the end of April, Mister took a trip with me to South Dakota for Jon's baptism and in May this blog became a new journal for me.  I hope it takes on a life of it's own and helps me to remember and relive many special moments.  Now, come along for the rest of year with me and you can look up entries that go along with the months if something interests you --